Open your Bubblepay Portal
Select "My Laundromat" on the left hand side
Note: If you have more one site you need to select the relevant store you are wanting to filter (currently we are unable to export for multiple sites.)
Select the Transactions tab
4. Enter the dates that you are wanting to view the data for.
5. Once you have set the dates, click on the “Export to Excel” button that will export/download all the transactions into a single .CSV document.
6. Open the file in your preferred application for .CSV files (we are using Excel in this example)
Locate the column named "coupon_code."
Click the dropdown arrow next to the "coupon_code" column header.
In the dropdown menu, unselect the option "Blanks."
Press "OK." and you will now see all transactions that used a coupon, including the transaction amount, coupon savings, and the transaction status.