When Would I Need This Article?
This article offers clear and practical guidance on how to navigate partial refunds using VendAccess.
This is needed when:
When a customer has payed for multiple machines but needs to be refunded for a part of them.
Step-By-Step Instruction
NOTE: When you need to do a Partial Refund, Do not go through the bubblepay Portal. This will send a full refund to the costumer.
1. Firstly write down the information about the transaction in a spreadsheet. Be detailed and include everything as pictured below. Ensure the title for each column is correct.
2. Take a picture/screenshot of the spreadsheet.
3. Attach the picture in an email and include that you need a customer partially refunded.
4. Title the email: Business name and contact name and send email to payment.refund@paymate.com.au
5. Make sure all details are included in email; Laundromat name and customers last 4 digits of their Credit Card number.