Why is my kiosk offline?
If a kiosk isOFFLINE it means that it isn't currently connected to the internet.
This is normally because the internet at your laundromat is temporarily down and not working.
Is this a problem?
The Bubblepay kiosk has been designed to work even when your internet goes down! There is a 4g backup in the credit card reader so that even when your internet isn't working, the credit card reader can still contact the bank.
The Kiosk will continue to operate and your customers will not notice any difference.
What can't I do?
When your kiosk is offline, you won't be able to .
Remotely credit your machines
See the latest transactions on the Bubblepay Web Portal
As soon as internet is reconnected, you will be able to remotely credit machines again and the latest transactions will appear on the web portal
What should I do now?
If you need to check your most recent transactions, you can still do so by going to your merchant's web portal
Checking the internet
Check your internet, if the internet is not working then you will need to get it going again in order for the kiosk to come back online. Sometimes your internet will return without you needing to intervene in any way however, if it doesn't, we suggest contacting your internet service provider (ie. Telstra, Optus, etc..)