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How To Change BubblePay Username or Password for a client
How To Change BubblePay Username or Password for a client
Written by Samantha Spectre
Updated over 8 months ago

Use this to change the customers username or password if they have forgotten or are struggling to log into Bubblepay

Video Tutorial

See bellow video tutorial for step-by-step and screenshot instructions.

Step-By-Step Instructions


Step 1. Log in to the BubblePay website using your username and password.

Step 2. Click Admin Dashboard.

Step 3. Click Manage Users.

Step 4. Search the <client's name> or <Clients Email> or you can use the keyboard shortcut ctrl+f and then type the name or their email address.

Step 5. Locate the customer site and then click on their profile.

Step 6. Change the Login into a new Username. (ONLY IF REQUIRED)

Step 7. If you want to change the Password then click the button Update Password.

Step 8. Type in the new Password. (Our default new password is: Password)

Step 9. Confirm the new Password.

Step 10. Then click the button Save New Password


Step 1. Reply back to the client (via the original method of contact - IE if the client emailed, email back) with their new login details.

The email template

Hi <Customer Name>

We have updated your login details to

Username: <Client Username>

Password: <Client Password>

Please let us know if you have any problems

Kind Regards,


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