What is the purpose of this article
You may be alerted from the Bubblepay web portal that your kiosk's internet connection isn't connected. This article goes through what that means and how to fix it.
If the kiosk isn't currently connected to the internet, it will display this message on the web portal
What does it mean
Why am I seeing this message
Your kiosk constantly communicates the Bubblepay web portal. If the web portal hasn't detected any communication from the kiosk in a while, it will flag the kiosk as "Not Connected".
What is causing the kiosk to disconnect from the Web Server
There are generally 2 main reasons for a kiosk to disconnect from the web server
Problems with your laundromat's wifi signal
Problems with your laundromat's internet service
Does that mean the kiosk isn't working at all?
No it doesn't, the Bubblepay kiosk has been designed to work even when your internet goes down!
My internet is down, will the kiosk still work?
Yes, our Kiosk will continue to run (in offline mode) without issue if your internet goes down. Please note functions like Remote Credit, Live data won't be available while you don't have an internet connection. You also may miss some updates if the internet is out for a long period of time. Don't stress as if it does miss any critical updates we will push them through soon as it comes online again.
What can't I do?
When your kiosk is offline, you won't be able to .
Remotely credit your machines
See the latest transactions on the Bubblepay Web Portal
As soon as internet is reconnected, you will be able to remotely credit machines again and the latest transactions will appear on the web portal
My CCTV Cameras are working so my internet is fine
The majority of CCTV Cameras are hard-wired into your router, so they can be working although nothing else is connected to the internet. So your internet might be working although your WiFi may have gone down, this will cause the Kiosk to say unavailable within the portal. A simple solution to try is to turn off your internet router for 30secs then back on. Keep in mind that it may take a few minutes to reconnect.
Do these simple checks to see if it's working
Check your CCTV Cameras
Check 1. Can you see if your kiosk is on the correct screen through your CCTV?
NORMAL SCREEN: Kiosk is working
TEAM VIEWER SCREEN: We are working on your kiosk, don't stress we will have it up ASAP
ERROR SCREEN: We may be looking into it but feel free to let us know via the Support Tab in the portal
Check 2. Review your footage to see the last time someone used the kiosk and check the time to see if it is in the offline time window?
If you can't connect to your CCTV, your internet may be down or power may be out.
Other WiFi devices at your Site
Check to see if any of your other WiFi devices onsite are online (IE Alarms, Smart Plugs, Doors, etc...)
If these are offline too, then your kiosk should be in running in offline mode.
In this instance, we would suggest power cycling your internet router (turning it off and on again).
Check your Payment Portal
STEP 1. Log into your Nayax Portal via https://www.nayax.com/
STEP 2. Click Reports > Online Reports > Dynamic Transaction Monitor
STEP 3. Actor - Select your site > Time Interval: Today > View Report
STEP 4. Check the report to see if transactions have been made during the offline period. (IE says Offline 2hours ago but took a payment 30mins ago then safe to presume the kiosk is running)
Check your Internet and WiFi
The best way to check your internet will be on a laptop or PC. Mobile phones can give false readings as they can sometimes use 4G without you knowing to boost the WiFi. If a mobile phone is the only option then place the device into 'Aeroplane Mode' then connect it to your WiFi.
STEP 1. Find and connect to your WiFi
βSTEP 2. Open up a browser & try and watch a Youtube video or search for something via Google.
If you can't find your WiFi or your internet is running extremely slow try power cycling your Internet Router
Check the hidden menu on the kiosk
βSTEP 1. Enter the back end secret menu (see image below)
βSTEP 2. Check the status - CC Reader, MQTT, Server
If MTQQ or Server boxes are disconnected try restarting the computer - Exit Program > Restart Computer.
IF CC Reader is Disconnected - Check to see if the Credit Card reader is powered up and take note if has an error on the screen. Try power cycling your reader, then restart the computer once it re-boots. Also, check to see if the cables are all plugged in correctly.
STEP 1. Enter the back end secret menu
STEP 2. Exit Program > Log out of windows
STEP 3. Check WiFi > re-connect if not connected
Simple and effective fixes
STEP 1. Power cycle your internet router - Turn off the router for 1 min then back on. STEP 2. Wait a few mins for the router to reconfigure then restart the kiosk.
Move your router closer to the kiosk and away from any metal obstructions.
Your WiFi Signal may be strong to the kiosk but wireless 4G is poor. Try re-positioning your 4G modem to a better spot, IE Closer to the front of the store or next to a window and keeping away from metal or other electronic equipment.
Power cycle the whole system including your Internet Router, Kiosk Computer, Card Reader, Screen for 5mins.