This article will guide you through the process of fixing issues with Missed Pulses or how to Increase Machine Pulses. The MIC controls this machine by pulsing the coin mech circuit. This section allows you to configure our system to match how the machine has been set up.
When would I want to do this?
When you may want to change or need to fix your machines pulses:
When the credited time does not match the purchases time
Video Tutorial
See bellow video tutorial for step-by-step and screenshot instructions
How to fix a missed pulse or increase machine pulses
How to restart the Kiosk to save changes
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Login to the Bubblepay web portal
Enter your username and password to login
2. Click the My Laundromat
Click My Laundromat on the left hand menu
3. Select the machine
Select the machine you would like to make pulse changes
4. Select the Pulses tab
Select the Pulses tab at the top of the pop-up
5. Change the Pulse Timing
The Default is typically 60seconds for On Time and 150seconds for Off Time. The number = milliseconds that the relay is open or closed. IE Off 150 means the N\O relay is open for 150milliseconds.
You may want to slow down the off by putting a larger number in increments of 50 IE if Off was 150 you would first try 200, then 250 and so forth. If that fails you may want to go faster so make the number Off number smaller 150 down to 100) You can also play with the ON number by increments of 25. If this doesn't improve may be a faulty MIC or faulty coin mech.
6. Set the $ Per Pulse Value
Then set the "$ Per Pulse" to the desired value. (Washers without insights or command only DO NOT DO THIS STEP FOR DRYERS)
By sending extra pulses can sometimes help us get around a sticky relay or faulty coin mech where we send more pulses than required (doesn't work with dryers) IE if $1 per pulse we could make it .90.
7. Click Save
8. Restart Kiosk Procedure
The Pulse changes require the system to be restarted to transfer the change to the Kiosk. Follow these next steps to complete the process.
9. Enter the secret menu on the Kiosk
Double tap top right corner followed by one tap not he top left corner. The taps need to be gentle like selecting a button on a normal touch screen iPad or Tablet.
10. Enter the 4-digit password
Enter the 4-digit password provided to you
11. Click Kiosk Application RESTART
Click the Kiosk Application RESTART button and allow the system to shut down and reboot. This might take a moment or two.
The pulse number = how much our system thinks a pulse is worth in credits.
EG most machines either do $1 pulses or .20 pulses.
A $1 machine will need to pulse 1 time to equal $1
A 20c pulse machine will need to pulse 5 times to equal $1.
By reducing the pulse amount in Bubblepay portal would equal more pulses.
$5 machine set to $1 pulses - Our mic would pulse 5 times
$5 machine set to .50c pulses - Our mic would pulse 10times
$5 machine set to .20c pulses - Our mic would pulse 25time