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How to setup Kiosk with new WiFi password
How to setup Kiosk with new WiFi password
Written by Samantha Spectre
Updated over 8 months ago

This article will guide you through the process of updating the Bubblepay kiosk to connect to a new Wi-Fi network.

When would I want to do this?

When you change your router's Wi-Fi, you'll need to update the Bubblepay kiosk so that it has the new Wi-Fi details. You may need to change your details when:

  • You are setting up a brand new system

  • You change internet service providers and they give you a new router

  • You change your router

  • You change the SSID and/or password of your existing router

Important Handy Hint - MOST RECOMMENDED solution.

If you need to swap your router or change your internet, try setting up the new router with the same SSID and password as your current router.

This means that the kiosk (and every other wifi device on your premises) will automatically reconnect. This will save you time as all Wi-Fi devices will automatically connect to your network as if nothing ever happened.

Consult your new router's user manual on how to set the SSID and password.

Step-By-Step Instructions

1. Tap screen.

Tap the screen once so that the WASH / DRY screen is displayed.

The movie should stop playing and the WASH / DRY screen should be displayed.


Tap the screen

2. Enter Secret Menu

To enter the secret menu:

1. Double tap in the top right hand corner of the screen,

2. Single tap in the top left corner


Double tap top-right, Single tap top-left

3. Enter your Bubblepay Kiosk PIN


Enter the Bubblepay kiosk pin

4. Log out of windows

Tap the Logout (Windows) button. If you are prompted "are you sure?", tap yes.


Tap Logout (Windows)

5. Swipe Up

If you are presented with a blank screen with just the time in the bottom left corner, you will need to swipe up.

With one finger, swipe up from the bottom of the screen to the top (like scrolling down on a phone)


Swipe up (If required)

6. Tap the WiFi icon

The Wifi icon is located in the bottom right of the screen. It might look like the picture below, or it might look like a symbol of a globe


Tap the Wifi icon

No internet - Free seo and web icons

The Icon may look like a globe

Add Wireless Network Profile in Windows 10 | Tutorials

The Icon may look like a wifi symbol

7. Select the desired WiFi SSID

  • Tap on the desired wifi SSID.

  • Make sure that "Connect Automatically" is selected

  • Click Connect


Select SSID

8. Enter Password

Enter the Wifi password and tap Next

It should now say "connected"


Enter Password

9. Tap the Power icon

The power icon is located in the bottom right of the screen


Click Power

10. Tap Restart.

This will restart the Kiosk with the new Wifi details.


Tap Restart

If you accidentally tap 'shut down', don't worry. Just disconnect the kiosk from power for 20 seconds and then connect it back to power. The kiosk will automatically power back up

11. Wait for the kiosk to restart

It may take a minute or two for the kiosk to restart, but when it does, it should have the new Wifi details and connect straight away to your new WiFi.

PLEASE NOTE - WiFi power plug

If you are changing the wifi, the wifi credentials on the wifipower plug will also need to be updated.

The Wifi power plug will either need to be sent back to Bubblepay with a pre paid return slip to be reprogrammed with your new wifi details or you are welcome to take over the management of the plug. This power plug is used to check WiFi as well as a backup hard reset for the kiosk or card reader. The Arlec programming guide can be found here or on the manufacture's website. Instructions are simple, download the Grid Connect app to your phone and follow the instructions from the app to pair your device.

Video Instructions

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