We have the ability to log into a kiosk, see exactly what's on the screen and interact with it the same way a user would. To do this we use Teamviewer
Installing Teamviewer
Navigate to www.teamviewer.com
Download the free version of Teamviewer from the website
Run the installer
Signing in to Teamviewer
Run Teamviewer
Click on the Computers & Contacts tab
Sign in using our Teamviewer credentials
Email: teamviewer@bubblepay.com.au
password: 8#XEWZB)v7bM6e)xYou may need to approve your device. If this is the case, then check your emails for a confirmation email and follow the prompts to add your device to Trusted Devices. You can then log in again without needing to approve your device.
Once you are signed in, you should be able to see a list of computers in the Computers & Contacts tab
Logging into a computer
Once you've signed into Teamviewer, you should be able to see a list of available computer to log in to.
The available computers are divided into 4 sections
Development Computers
Live Kiosks
These computers have been set up and ready to go but haven't been assigned any task. Once the computer has been assigned a task, it should be moved to the appropriate section.
Computers that are being set up for a client but the system is not yet live. Once the system is live, the computer will be moved to the 'Live Kiosks' section
Computers that have been set up for customer demonstrations
Development Computers
Computers that are being used for internal Bubblepay testing and development of new features
Live Kiosks
Computers that are current at customer sites and in production. These are actually running real, live kiosks.
When you have found the computer/kiosk you want to log into, double click on it.
In some instances you want these to be active, in some instances you don't. Either way, you need to immediately set it when you log in.