What is the purpose of this article
The secret menu allows you to restart, shutdown or in some cases, troubleshoot your kiosk.
Follow the steps below to access the Kiosk's secret menu
Video Tutorial
See below the video for step-by-step written and screenshot instructions
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Tap the Kiosk screen
Tap the Kiosk screen to show the Wash and Dry screen. (This is the first screen that users see when they tap the kiosk, it has a picture of a washer and dryer on it)
Tap the main screen to view the Washer / Dryer screen
2. Enter secret tap combination
Double tap the TOP RIGHT of screen two times followed by one tap on the TOP LEFT
Double-tap top right corner
Single tap top left corner.
To further access the back-end of your Kiosk input your Bubblepay PIN code. Click OK