Manually reminding customers about invoices can be time-consuming. With Bukku’s automated invoice reminders, you can manage payments effortlessly by notifying customers before due dates and sending follow-ups for overdue invoices.
This guide will show you how to set up and customise your Coming Due and Overdue Reminders at Control Panel > Company Setting > Invoice Reminder, helping you maintain smooth cash flow with ease.
Let’s see how you can set it up with this example invoice:
Invoice Date: 20/10/2024
Due Date: 24/10/2024
Coming Due Reminder
Enable the Coming Due Reminder:
Toggle the switch to activate it.
Set the Sending Schedule:
Enter the days to send the reminder before/ on the due date.
For example: 3,0 will send one reminder 3 days before the due date and another reminder on the due date.
Customise the Message:
Personalise the message for a professional touch.
The examples below demonstrate how customers will receive the Coming Due Reminders, ensuring clarity with invoice details, a personalised message, and a direct link to view the invoice.
1st Sample: Customer receives a reminder 3 days before the due date (21/10/2024).
2nd Sample: Customer receives a reminder on the due date (24/10/2024).
Overdue Reminder
Enable the Overdue Reminder:
Toggle the switch to activate it.
Set the Sending Schedule:
Define when to send reminders after the due date.
For example: "3,7" sends the first reminder 3 days after the due date and the second reminder 7 days after.
Customise the Message:
Personalise the message to gently nudge customers about overdue payments.
The examples below demonstrate how customers will receive the Overdue Reminders, ensuring clarity with invoice details, a personalised message, and a direct link to view the invoice.
1st Sample: Customer receives a reminder 3 days after the due date (27/10/2024).
2nd Sample: Customer receives a reminder 7 days after the due date (31/10/2024).
Important Notes
Reminder emails will only be sent if you have recorded the contact's email address in the Contact module.
Please note that once the master reminder setting is turned on in the Control Panel, it will activate for all contacts that have the invoice reminder turned on as well.
You can choose to turn off the automated reminder for a specific contact by navigating to Contact, clicking on the existing contact's 'View', and toggling off the invoice reminder under the Communication section.
When a coming due or overdue reminder is sent, a notification will appear. You can click on the notification to see which invoices were included and the email addresses they were sent to.
The reminder feature supports invoices with multiple payment terms. Each scheduled payment term will trigger a reminder email based on its individual due date, ensuring that customers are reminded of partial payments as they come due.