Anyone using someone else’s credit card to pay membership dues should opt out of auto renewal. We request that members do this. If they did not and you were billed, please contact the member. If the member requests a refund, we can provide one, as long as there is no evidence of the member continuing to access member benefits. We cannot cancel a membership or provide a refund without the member’s permission as our relationship is with them and not the card holder and we cannot process any of their data without their permission. If you provide us with the member's name, we can turn off auto-renewal so this does not happen again.
Here is the information we provide to applicants prior to payment of dues.
Important Information to Read Prior to Registering
Payment accepted - major credit cards and ACH / E-checks US Banks only - online payment
Invoices may be printed from your member profile
Please note, all members are automatically enrolled in auto-renewal, but may opt-out at any time.
Members may access opt-out instructions by visiting the Member Resources page
If you think you might want to opt-out do so as soon as possible - you can always renew manually. If you do not opt out at least a week in advance of your membership expiration date - found in your member profile, your membership may be renewed
Using a corporate card for an individual membership does not equate to Corporate Membership nor allow membership to be transferred
If you use a credit card that you are not responsible for payments on, please inform the cardholder that the card will be automatically charged on the membership anniversary date, or opt-out of auto-renewal
The membership agreement is between the registered member and the Business Architecture Guild® - we are GDPR compliant
We do not provide early cancellations of membership
All members must agree to our complete terms and conditions before payment is accepted
Corporate memberships are available upon request
Please consider using a personal email address that is not behind a firewall and that you will be able to access even if you change jobs