Accessing the HR & Safety Questions Page
To access the HR & Safety questions page:
Open the Bynaus Web App.
Navigate to the "Settings" page from the navigation bar.
Scroll down to the "HR Questions" section.
Adding New Questions
You can add the following types of questions:
Yes/No Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
Short Answer Questions
Lunch Break Question
1️⃣ Yes/No Questions
To add a Yes/No question:
Navigate to the "Settings" page.
Click on "➕ Add Question" under the HR Questions section.
Enter your question in the "Question Text" field.
Select "Yes/No" from the "Question Type" drop-down menu.
Choose the correct answer for your question.
Configure additional settings:
☑️ Required: If enabled, workers must answer this question.
✅ Visible: If enabled, the question will appear on the checkout questionnaire.
Finally, Click “Submit” to add your question.
2️⃣ Multiple Choice Questions
To add a Multiple Choice question:
Navigate to the "Settings" page.
Click on "➕ Add Question" under the HR Questions section.
Enter your question in the "Question Text" field.
Select "Multiple Choice" from the "Question Type" drop-down menu.
Add up to 4 answer options for workers to choose from.
Select the correct answer for your question.
Configure additional settings:
☑️ Required: If enabled, workers must answer this question.
✅ Visible: If enabled, the question will appear on the checkout questionnaire.
Click "Submit" to add your question.
3️⃣ Short Answer Questions
To add a Short Answer question:
Navigate to the "Settings" page.
Click on "➕ Add Question" under the HR Questions section.
Enter your question in the "Question Text" field.
Select "Short Answer" from the "Question Type" drop-down menu.
Provide the correct short answer for your question.
Configure additional settings:
☑️ Required: If enabled, workers must answer this question.
✅ Visible: If enabled, the question will appear on the checkout questionnaire.
Click "Submit" to add your question.
4️⃣ Yes/No Lunch Break Question
What is the importance of the lunch break question?
For workers, answering "Yes" to this question will update their time card to reflect the lunch break period set for the project.
To add a lunch break question:
Navigate to the "Settings" page.
Click on "➕ Add Question" under the HR Questions section.
Enter your lunch break question in the "Question Text" field.
Select "Yes/No Lunch" from the "Question Type" drop-down menu.
Choose the correct answer for your question.
Configure additional settings:
☑️ Required: If enabled, workers must answer this question.
✅ Visible: If enabled, the question will appear on the checkout questionnaire.
Click "Submit" to add your question.
⁉️ FAQs
What is the importance of the lunch break question?
What is the importance of the lunch break question?
For workers, answering "Yes" to this question will update their time card to reflect the lunch break period set for the project.
How can I manage my existing questions?
How can I manage my existing questions?
In the "HR Questions" section, you can manage your existing questions using these actions:
View: See all details of a selected question.
Edit: Modify a question's details.
Delete: Remove a question from the list.
Is there a limit to the number of questions I can add?
Is there a limit to the number of questions I can add?
There is no limit to the number of questions you can add.