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Cactivate vs Agency

Considering switching from an agency?

Wentao Xiao avatar
Written by Wentao Xiao
Updated over a week ago

If you spend millions a month and need an account manager on call 24/7, then we recommend that you go with an agency. If you are a go-getter store owner looking to grow smartly, please read on.


The average agency in North America costs $6,000/month and often requires a minimum 3-month commitment. Cactivate's paid plan starts at $149/month and is by far the more cost-effective solution.


On average, Cactivate will outperform your professional agency's ROAS by 20% in 30 days. We are confident in our service and highly recommend you try us concurrently alongside your existing solution and see for yourself.


Cactivate has serviced stores from $1,000/month in ad spend all the way to $100,000+/month and is built to scale with you. In addition, Cactivate is also month-to-month plan and comes with a free trial.


Fast-growing eCommerce is our bread and butter. CAT only has one goal when optimizing, and that's to consistently get you the highest ROAS possible.

Customer service

Cactivate has a helpdesk and our team is always ready to assist via email. However, we do not match up against the agency's account manager. We think that you are a busy business owner and all you care about is performance, which is what we are here to deliver.

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