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Get a (human) expert to take a look at your ad account

Wentao Xiao avatar
Written by Wentao Xiao
Updated over a week ago

Upon signing up you should have automatically been sent a partnership request from Cactivate to your Ads Manager and Page. Please make sure to accept for one of our experts to take a look. Note that we will only reach out if there is an issue with your first Cactivate campaign.

Trouble finding the request?

If you are experiencing issues with the first two options, you can always manually add CACTIVATE as a partner on Facebook. You would need to log in to your Business Manager β€”> Partners β€”> Add β€”> "Give partner access to your assets" β€”> Enter "291902311215015"

Make sure you select both your "Page" and "Ad account" and toggle on "Create ads" and "Manage campaigns" before confirming.

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