Similarity Search

You'll be able to search for past similar drawings of the corresponding drawing.

カスタマーサポート|Customer Support avatar
Written by カスタマーサポート|Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

You can search for similar drawings based on shape analysis of the parts/products listed in the drawing.


  • Click on the drawing you want to search for similarity, and open the detailed view of the drawing.

  • Click the "Similarity Search" button on the detailed view screen.

  • 30 similar drawing search results will be displayed on the right side.

    • (They will be displayed in descending order of similarity.)

  • By clicking "Show More" at the bottom of the search results, you will be able to see an additional 70 drawings (total of 100) of similar results.


  • When you click on a drawing from the similarity search results that you want to view detailed information about, you can also confirm additional information such as "Basic Info" and "Order History."

  • By using the search bar at the top of the similar drawings section, you can refine your search for similar drawings by keywords.

  • You can also perform filtered searches for similar search results. If you input multiple items, it will conduct an AND search for each item. For example, on the following image, you can search similar drawings which have the Basic Info of Material: A7072 and Surface Treatment: Black Anodize.

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