"Description" Feature
カスタマーサポート|Customer Support avatar
Written by カスタマーサポート|Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

You can freely add notes to each drawing.

The content of these notes can be searched using keyword search search.

[How to use]

  • Click on the drawing you want to add notes to, or view details.

  • Click on the "pencil icon" in the notes section of the drawing details.

  • After entering/editing the description field (1), click [Save] (2).

  • When you enter the following content in the notes field, it will become a hyperlink.

    1. URL: Allows one-click navigation to other systems or web pages.

    2. Drawing ID: Allows one-click navigation to other drawings in the Drawer.

  • The registered notes can be searched using:

    1. Keyword search (exact match)

    2. Keyword filter search (partial match)

    Example: Keyword Filter Search

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