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How do I delete an option pool and/or offers?
How do I delete an option pool and/or offers?

Deleting an option pool and existing offers from Cake

Shannon Griffin avatar
Written by Shannon Griffin
Updated over a week ago

An option pool can only be deleted from Cake if it is empty. In other words, if there are offers within the pool - whether they be drafts or granted offers, they need to be removed first before you can go ahead and delete the overall pool.

Deleting ESOP offers (stock option grants)

  1. From the main menu, select 'Equity Plans';

  2. From the dropdown, select 'Options';

  3. Click on 'View pool' on the relevant option plan; and

  4. On any offer you wish to delete, click on the trash icon on the right hand side of their offer under the 'Offer List'

Deleting an Option Pool

  1. From the main menu, select 'Equity Plans';

  2. From the dropdown, select 'Options';

  3. Click on 'View pool' on the relevant option plan; and

  4. Click the trash icon in the top right corner.

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