Before booking
For privacy reasons, we do not share the host’s contact details until a booking is confirmed. If you have any questions, feel free to send a message directly to or use our chat.
After booking
Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive the host’s email address, phone number, and address in your booking confirmation. You can contact your host directly via:
Your Campanyon Inbox: Go to the Inbox section in your profile to send and receive messages.
Your Booking Details: Find your booking under “My Trips” and select “Send message to host” to start a conversation.
What to do if your host doesn’t respond
If you’ve reached out to your host but haven’t received a response, here’s what you can do:
Send a message through Campanyon
Try other contact methods
Check your booking confirmation email for the host’s contact details.
If a phone number or email is provided, try reaching out that way.
Contact Campanyon
If the host still doesn’t respond, reach out to us at
We’ll help you get in touch with the host as soon as possible.