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Internal roadmap

How to use the internal roadmap prioritization features in Canny

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over a month ago


The internal roadmap allows you to score posts to decide what to work on next. This approach is data-driven and based on the RICE prioritization method.


  • Quickly identify which posts will have the highest impact for the lowest effort

  • Remove biases and hunches in exchange for actionable data

  • Coordinate across teams using custom data points

  • Weigh factors for a more complete picture of both impact and effort

This guide covers:

Getting started

To access Roadmap Prioritization in Canny, head to the Roadmap tab in your admin view:

From there, click on the Score button in the settings to get started:

This is where you'll be able to:

  • Score based on custom impact factors to weigh in important values

  • Adjust the formula by assigning different weights to each factor

  • Inform your team on the most impactful things to work on

  • More on scoring below...

Creating roadmaps

We've created your first Roadmap for you. Teams often have their own goals. Using separate Roadmaps means you can prioritize accordingly.

We recommend creating separate Roadmaps per team to keep things organized. For agile teams, you may also choose to have separate Roadmaps per sprint so you can start with a clean slate each time.

We've written a blog post about how the Canny team prioritizes.

Adding posts to your roadmap

The first thing you'll want to do is add posts to your roadmap.

From the feedback view

On the right side of any post, you can send it to select roadmaps.

From the roadmap

In the roadmap view, the last row says "Add new post". By default, Canny will prompt you to create a new post in the select board. Alternatively, you can choose an existing post.

From the roadmap header

Just like creating a new post from the feedback view, you can do so from the roadmap view.

Exporting a roadmap

To export a roadmap to csv (spreadsheet file), just select the posts you'd like to export and you'll see a menu appear at the bottom of the page:

You also have the option to share a roadmap instead.

Bulk actions

On the left-hand side of the roadmap, you'll see the option to select checkboxes to take action across multiple posts at once The actions include:

Filtering a roadmap

Canny allows you to create a custom-filtered view of your roadmap so you can disregard any scoring columns that are not relevant to you.

You can save this as a view to easily switch between different views:

You can manage saved views from the Saved Filters page in the Canny settings.

You can also use the 'Group By' dropdown at the top of the page to cluster your posts by a specific field:

Sharing a Roadmap

You can share a roadmap by filtering it into a view (see above). Any saved view of the roadmap can be shared as a read-only link.

When sharing a roadmap:

  • The person receiving the invite does NOT have to be a member of your organization. Any email can receive the invite to a shared roadmap view.

  • This shared view is read-only. It cannot be altered, shared further, or exported by any non-Canny admins.

  • You also have the option to export a roadmap if you prefer to share it as a static CSV (spreadsheet file).

Roadmap factors and scoring

Each post's score is determined by calculating the Impact and dividing that by the Effort, based on a number of factors. You can set the score at the top of the roadmap:

You can view a detailed breakdown of the math behind the final score here.

Things to know:

  • Teammates with the "Contributor" admin role do not have access to alter a roadmap (but they can see it).

  • The roadmap/prioritization tool is different from the end-user roadmap. The roadmap/prioritization tool is NEVER visible to your end-users. Only people listed on the Admins page in your Canny settings can see the roadmap/prioritization tool.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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