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AI Keywords

Learn how to use Caption Pro's AI keywording feature to automate all of your keywords

Chris Emmerson avatar
Written by Chris Emmerson
Updated over a week ago

In order to use the AI keywording feature, you will need to make sure that it is enabled in the "AI Keywords" tab of your project settings prior to processing images, and you will need to add all of your desired keywords into the text box provided.

Basic keywording

If you want to simply list things for the software to look for and have those names applied to your metadata, enter each keyword that you want the software to look for on a new line. For example:

(In the above example, if the software sees anything Nike related, it will output the keyword "Nike")

Multiple keywords for each object

If you want to output multiple keywords for each object detected, then start by writing the object that you want the software to look for, followed by a colon and then list the associated keywords you want the software to output, separated by commas. For instance:

(In the above example, the software would look for a Nike Logo, and when that is detected, it will output the keywords "Nike, Sponsor, Branding")

Advanced keywording specifications

You can also direct the software to be very specific when detecting things by adding clarifying instructions, indented on subsequent lines following each keyword. You can indent the instructions with as many spaces as you like, but the indentation will default to 2 spaces when saved.

For example:

(In the above examples, the additional instructions will help narrow down the software's outputs to more relevant keywords. If certain prompts aren't working well enough, try rewording them or getting in touch with a member of support to help)

When you are happy with your keyword list, we recommend saving them to a txt file on your computer or saving the project settings as default so that you don't lose them.

Mutually exclusive keywords

You can specify that you only want to output one of multiple options by adding an [or] condition on a new line between mutually exclusive keywords like this:

(In the above example, if the software detects all three keywords in the image, it will only output the one keyword with the highest certainty score for all keywords that are connected by an [or])

Applying the keywords to your images

In order to apply the generated keywords to your images, you will need to add a "Keyword" formula to the metadata template by pressing the "=" button and selecting the keyword formula like this:

When adding your keyword formula, you can specify what delimiter you want (how the keywords will be separated). You will also be able to specify a confidence threshold so that the software will only output keywords that meet a certainty score and you will also be able to specify a maximum number of keywords to be output per image.

AI processes used for AI keywording

Using the AI keywording feature will consume a certain amount of AI processes per image. This number is determined by how long the list of keywords is, and what the max number of keywords are per image.

At the bottom of the AI keywording tab in the project settings you will see an estimate for how many additional AI processes each image will go through when searching for keywords:

Once you have processed your images, you will be able to see how many total AI processes you have used on each one by selecting the image and hovering your mouse over the AI process counter at the top of left corner of the UI:

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