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Saving Changes to Images
Saving Changes to Images

How to save and export your images

Chris Emmerson avatar
Written by Chris Emmerson
Updated over 2 years ago

Saving / Exporting Images

In order to apply the changes to the metadata of the images you must 'save' the changes in Caption Pro.

Saving changes directly to the images

If you are expecting to continue working on the original images after using Caption Pro, or you are sending the images out through different software, then you might want to apply the metadata changes directly to your watched images. The benefit of this is that it is quicker, and doesn't create new files for you to have to work with.

Applying the metadata to your images is very simple, and can be done by selecting all the images that you wish to save and then by either right clicking and hitting 'confirm and save' or by using the keyboard shortcut 'shift+enter'.

There is also a 'save' button at the bottom of the UI that will give you a few options as to which images you would like to save.

If you save an unconfirmed image, the images will still go throught he 'confirm' process, so in any of the saved images, named individuals may have their faces added to the reference pool for that record (unless you have the 'set reference faces on image confirmation' option turned off in the project settings).

Once the metadata has been applied successfully, your images will be moved to the 'saved' tab in the image library, where additional actions can be performed on them if necessary.

Note: Caption Pro will apply the metadata as you see it in the image specific metadata section. If a field is displaying there but is empty, then that field will be blank in the image after export, overwriting any changes you might have made in other software in the meantime. To save this from causing problems, either edit all necessary metadata in Caption Pro, or disable any fields you won't be editing in Caption Pro (by 'un-checking' them in the Edit Project Metadata section) so that the save/export ignores those fields entirely.

Exporting images via FTP or saving to a new location

If instead, you would like to create a copy of the images with the new metadata applied in a new location, or you wish to send the files out via FTP then you will want to select 'save as...' and specift new save options.

You can do this by either pressing the keyboard shortcut 'e' with the necessary image(s) selected, or by right clicking the necessary image(s) and pressing "confirm and save as...".

You can also select 'save as' from the 'save' button at the bottom of the app's interface.

In the 'save as..' popup window you will be able to send the files to multiple disk destinations as well as multiple FTP destinations simultaneously.


By default your images will be saved with their current version name, but before you save your images you may want to rename them. You can do this in the 'filename' dialogue box and you are able to use any of the formulas within this dialogue box.

If you want all of your images to be renamed as the name of the people in each image for instance, you will want to insert the 'People' formula here. In this case, (or if you were to rename them all to reflect the name of the job for instance) to prevent conflicting filenames, you will also want to include a 'sequence' formula, numbering your images based on the order in which they have been saved.

By default if you are saving files with the same name and have not included a sequence number, a number (contained within brackets) will be added after the duplicated file name in the location your are saving them to, unless another 'name clash strategy' has been specified.


Whensaving to a new Disk destination, first make sure you have the appropriate default 'Name Clash Strategy' selected in the dropdown box and then chose your destination by clicking "select folder" and browse to your desired save location. This can be done multiple times to save to multiple disk destinations.

If you try to save directly to the watch folder, the images will be automatically saved to a sub-folder, stopping them from accidentally being reprocessed.

The name clash strategy determines what happens to the files should there already be files of the same name in the save destination:

Skip will cancel the saving of an image if there is already an image of the same name in the selected location.

If there is already an image with the same name as a current image in the destination, 'overwrite' will replace that file with the image that is currently being saved.

Rename will change the name of the saved image if there are images with the same name in the destination (a sequence number e.g. (1) will be added to the end of the file name and both files will remain in the destination).


In order to send files via FTP you must either chose a saved FTP destination to send to, or create a new FTP destination by clicking "create new" and filling out the information fields in the dropdown menu. Once a destination has been created it is saved for later use, and you can edit saved destinations by adding them to the destination table and clicking on the destination's cog icon.

You can send to multiple FTP destinations by adding more 'new' or 'saved' FTP destinations to the destinations table.

Once you have all of your desired disk and FTP destinations set up you can start the save process by clicking "save" at the bottom of the window.

You will be able to retry failed exports by clicking on the fail notification at the top of the UI.

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