β1. First, check your overall Reminder Settings:
Go to Account Settings >> Donna >> Reminders
Take note of each Reminder's contact method - i.e. Email only, SMS only (text), Email & SMS, or Voice only
For example, the 21-Days Reminder below is set to Email only (meaning it's not going to send a text to patients - it only sends an email)
2. Next, for the patient in question, check the following in their Patient Profile (search their name with the magnifying glass tool in the top-right area)
Check if their status is Inactive or Active. If Inactive, that is the reason why they're not receiving Reminders as Inactive patients aren't contacted by Donna unless you have indicated and customized the reminder to send to inactive patients.
To resolve this follow the steps in this article - How to enable reminders for Inactive patients
Check that the patient isn't missing the necessary contact info - for the particular Reminder(s) you expected them to receive. In this example, this patient only has a cellphone number and is missing an email address - so for the 'Email only' Reminders that you have, this patient won't receive them
Check Reminder setup & contact method - Check if the patient has their reminders disabled - Single touchpoint, multiple, or All - in their profile setup
If all of the above is correctly set up, please contact the Customer Success team for further troubleshooting.