Step 1.
Head over to the "ADD" button in the top and choose Activity
Step 2.
If you recently visited an account in Cirrus, Cirrus will suggest that account by default for your activity. If not or if you want to change account, just use the search field.
Step 3.
Set up the basics.
Contact - which contact at the company do you want to schedule the activity with?
Responsible - will this ectivity be done by you or someone else?
Type of activity - choose the activity type you need
Description - Describe what's going to be done during the activity
Then, continue 👉
Step 4.
Choose a date, a time and opportunity if needed.
To make the text are for Description and Results bigger, simply click on it to make it bigger and click next to it to make it small again.
Done! ✔️
For Cirrus 1
Step 1.
Click on the + button in the top menu and select "New Activity".
Step 2.
Search for the account you want to add the activity to.
Step 3.
Fill in the blanks. Select who's resposible for doing the activity, date and time, the correct contact, activity type etc. And dont forget to add a description to your activity!
When you're done, save.