All Goals can be found from the dashboard.
If you can't see the button "Goals" it probably because Goals isn't added to your plan, or, because you're not permitted to see Goals.
Step 1.
Head over to the ADD button and select "GOAL".
Step 2.
Choose type of goal:
Step 3.
Set Time period, if you'd like it to be repeated and which users to include.
Step 4.
Set the qualities for your goal. In this example the type of goal is Activities. You can set quantity, status, activity types and which account types the goal applies to.
Depending on what type of goal you chose in the first step, different values will be displayed to apply to your goal.
Step 5.
Lastly, name your goal and add a description so that the participants understand what the goal is about.
Click SAVE
Step 6.
The goal will now be displayed on all included users dashboard.
You'll be able to follow the progress and see who's doing what.
Only the user who created the goal will be able to edit the goal.