Articles work the same way in both orders and quotes.
1. When you create a quote or order, go to the Quote Rows/Order Rows tab. It works the same way in both orders and quotes.
2. Click +ADD ARTICLE and then search for the article you want to place an order/quote for.
3. Before you click +ADD, there is some information you can set.
Description: This is the description of the article. You can also add more information in this box.
Unit: Here you select the type of unit applicable for the article.
Quantity: Enter the article quantity here.
Price: This is the price you are selling the article for.
Inprice: This is the price you purchased the article for.
Discount: Here you can enter a discount for the article.
Margin: This shows the percentage margin between the price and the purchase price (Inprice).
Total: The total price incl. any discount.
When you are done with the above information, click +ADD.
4. You will now see a summary at the bottom of the order/quote:
5. When you're happy with it, click Save or go continue to add more articles to the order/quote.