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What's New - December 14th, 2024
Written by Jeff
Updated over 3 months ago

There will be no update to the Caregiver mobile app & Agency mobile app with this release. The version of the Caregiver app will be 2.46 (code push 1.0). The Agency app will be on 2.14 (Code push 1.0).

The minimum operating system requirements are "Lollipop" for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Updates/improvements in the Adhoc Schedule Workflow

There have been many updates/improvements in the Adhoc Schedules workflow. Multiple agencies requested these. The following are the various areas where these updates have been made -

  1. Adhoc Creation (Caregiver app and Caregiver portal)–

    1. Client Address field -
      Caregivers will now be able to create Adhoc schedules from Client’s address. In the Adhoc schedule creation form, ‘Client Address’ field has been added, that will be default set to Client’s Primary address. Caregiver will be able to change and select from various addresses available in the Client’s profile or select ‘Current Location’ from the dropdown.

    2. Enter Duration -
      A new field ‘Duration’ has been introduced for Caregivers to enter the duration of the Adhoc in hours and minutes. This will be an optional field.**

    3. Reason field -
      The reason filed will now populate ‘Self Directed Care’ by default. This remains a required field for agencies.**

    4. Minimum Radius check –

      Now, as the caregivers have the ability to select Client’s address, the minimum radius check parameter comes into the picture and will now be applicable. Caregivers will not be able to Clock-In and Clock-Out if they are not within the radius limit defined by the Agency in the Office Settings.

    5. Client Authorization Conflict –
      Now, the system can identify the Adhoc schedule end time, when the Caregiver enters the duration. Thus, system will throw Client Auth conflict in case it is exceeding. With the conflict Caregiver will know the remaining Auth and can create the adhoc schedule within the specified limits. Whether the Caregiver should proceed or not can be managed from ‘Adhoc - Authorization Limit Exceeded for Caregiver’ under the Office Settings > Alerts.

    6. Caregiver Weekly Requested Hours conflict (only in new UI) -
      A new conflict has been introduced to keep a check on Caregiver’s Weekly Requested hours. This is a new field in the new UI under Caregiver Profile > HR section. This will only work on the new UI.

  2. A notification is added 15 min before Client Auth and Caregiver Weekly Requested Hours.

    1. 15 min before Client Auth exceeds –
      Caregiver will receive a Push and SMS notification 15 min before the Client Auth exceeds.

    2. 15 min before Caregiver Weekly Requested Hours exceeds -
      Caregiver will receive a Push and SMS notification 15 min before the Caregiver Weekly Requested Hours exceeds. If this field in the Caregiver profile does not have a value or is zero, then no notification will be triggered.

  3. Updates on the Adhoc time tracking view –

    1. New columns and filters added –

      1. Caregiver Acknowledgement
        When an Agency user will modify the Clock-Out of an Adhoc schedule -

        1. A Push and SMS notification will be sent to the Caregiver requesting their acknowledgement.

        2. A pending icon will be displayed against the Adhoc schedule, in the case acknowledgement is pending.

        3. A check icon will appear after the Caregiver acknowledges the request.

        4. No icon will appear when no manual modifications made by the Agency user.

        5. Filter and sorting can be applied on this column.

      2. Remaining/Total Auth
        Agency users will now be able to see the remaining Client Authorization vs the Total Client Authorization. Available Auth will be shown in green color. Consumed and Exceeded values will be shown in red color.
        Filter and Sorting can be applied on this column.

      3. Remaining/Total Caregiver Weekly Limit
        Agency users will now be able to see the remaining Caregiver Weekly Requested Hours vs the Total available. Available limit will be shown in green color. Consumed and Exceeded values will be shown in red color.
        Filter and Sorting can be applied on this column.

    2. Clock-In/Out Lat/Long shown on map
      When an Agency user tries to view/update the Clock-Out time of an Adhoc schedule or edit the same, the Clock-In and Clock-Out Lat/Long will be shown on a map. This is same as we already have on the regular time tracking view.

    3. Ability to Bulk Approve/Unapprove shifts

      1. Agency users now have the ability to bulk approve/unapprove Adhoc shifts.

      2. For bulk approval, the Clock-Out value should be present.

      3. On bulk approval, no conflicts will be checked.

    4. Ability to capture Reason codes on manual Clock-out change
      Agency users can not capture Reason Codes while manually updating the Clock-Out of the Adhoc schedule. Earlier this was not possible.

  4. Caregiver acknowledgment Setting -
    A new setting ‘Would you like the Caregiver to acknowledge/confirm the updated Clock-Out time set by the Agency User?’ has been added in the Office Settings where this can be managed if Caregiver Acknowledgement is required or not. This setting will only be visible when Adhoc Schedule is enabled.

  5. Changes on the Caregiver mobile app –

    1. On the home screen, a new menu on to create Adhoc schedule has been added on top. This is done for easy access. This will only be available if Adhoc is enabled for this Caregiver.

    2. All the changes mentioned while creating an Adhoc schedule.

    3. On the Adhoc schedule listing, the adhoc card will show a pending icon if the Clock-Out has been manually modified by an agency user. Caregiver can tap on that icon to acknowledge that request.

Option to Add Time Manually to Preferred Time Slot

Agency users can now manually enter or update time under the preferred time slots configured in the office settings. This is applicable for both the start time as well as the end time.

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Task Report by Client - Update of Start Date and End Date Terminology

In the Task Report by Client, the fields "Start Date From" and "Start Date To" have been renamed to "Schedule Start Date From" and "Schedule Start Date To," respectively, in order to avoid confusion.

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Caregiver/Staff Drop-Down updated on the Payroll Screens

On the Generate Payroll screen the results would now be generated based on the “Caregiver/Staff Status” field selection. Also, the “Caregiver/Staff” drop-down field would not list the names of caregivers/staff members. The "Caregiver/Staff " dropdown will have only one option i.e “All Caregiver/Staff” and it would be dependent on all the previous filter selections made. Also, on the View Finalized Payroll Screen, the "Caregiver/Staff " dropdown will have only one option i.e “All Caregiver/Staff”.

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Client, Caregiver Schedules and Rates By Date Range

The agency users can now filter the Client, Caregiver Schedules and Rates by Date Range report by territory. To facilitate this, a multi-select territory filter has been added to the report, along with a territory column that displays the client's territory.

Client Authorization Expiration Report

Agency users can now filter the Client Authorization Expiration Report by territory. A multi-select territory filter has been added to the report, along with a territory column that displays each client's territory.

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Recurrence End Report

A new multi-select territory filter has been introduced to the Recurrence Report. This addition allows users to filter the report based on specific territories. Additionally, a new territory column has been added, displaying the corresponding territory for each client.

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Exceeded Authorization

A new multi-select territory filter has been introduced to the Exceeded Authorization Report. This addition allows users to filter the report based on specific territories. Additionally, a new territory column has been added, displaying the corresponding territory for each client.

Learn2Care Profile sync with the user’s Caresmartz360 profile status

Now you will be able to set the Learn2Care Preferences in new UI profiles for Caregiver and Staff users with the profile status in CareSmartz360. If you set the CareSmartz360 profile status to Active, this will allow the system to auto-sync the Learn2Care profile as Active (Only if the profile is already sent to Learn2Care).

The user’s Learn2Care profile will be automatically de-activated if the CareSmartz360 profile is de-activated. This allows the agency to reduce the manual efforts on de-activating the profiles for both platforms separately.

The profile status will be synced when you mark an existing Learn2Care user’s CareSmartz360 profile as Active on Learn2Care when CareSmartz360 profile status is set as Active and Suspended on Learn2Care when CareSmartz360 profile status is set as other than Active. This can be done from legacy UI, New UI, Agency Settings >> User Management on Agency portal and Agency App as well.

Note – Learn2Care preferences are only available for the agencies whose Learn2Care account is activated. For other agencies this field will not be displayed.

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Caregiver Notes Report

A new multi-select territory filter has been introduced to the Caregiver Notes Report. This addition allows users to filter the report based on specific territories. Additionally, a new territory column has been added, displaying the corresponding territory for each client.

EVV updates

TELLUS Updates

  1. Ability to download Batch files that have been posted, Both request & response JSON files can be downloaded

  2. TELLUS Status filter will be multi- select, where in the users will be able to filter as per their needs.

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