Click "Standard Data Migration"
Click "Import Clients" or "Import Caregivers" or "Import Staff" depending on the action you would like to take.
Clickon the download icon to download a sample file. Use the first single row of the sample data in the file for formatting reference. Delete the sample data, but not the headers (titles) in the sheet before you save for upload.
Enter your Client or Caregiver or Staff data into the matching spreadsheet. Be sure to check that the formatting is the same as the sample data. Delete any leading spaces in the data. You may export and rearrange from your existing system, or copy it over from any spreadsheet tracker you are currently using. If you have only a few clients, or are coming from paper, it may be faster for you to enter the clients directly.
Once your spreadsheet is complete, save it to your computer. Use the Choose File button to navigate to where you have it saved and select it.
Click the green upload button. This will validate your data for mandatory fields and formatting.
If there are errors, a pop up will appear and tell you where the error is (Row #, Column#) and what the error is. In this example there is an address mismatch with the zip code and state. Go back to your spreadsheet and make the required corrections. You can upload a sheet that is open, don't forget to save your changes before you try again.
Click "Γ" to close the error list. Before you do, be sure to scroll down to make sure you have captured them all.
Your data will appear for your final review. Be sure to Scroll over to see it all and make sure you are happy with the data. Click the Green Save button when you are ready to complete your upload. This could take a few minutes, depending on how much data you are importing.