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Office Settings

Learn How to configure Office Settings

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Office Settings

  • Log into the system as an Agency Owner or Admin.

  • Click the Settings icon present at the top right corner of the screen.

  • When the Admin clicks on Main, the Office Settings page displays

  • On this page user can select multiple options regarding the office they have opted to do settings for, (e.g. Office Name to print on invoices, Time Tracking threshold settings, Client portal settings and so on.)

  • Choose the settings as per business needs and click the Update button and the settings will be saved, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes

Office Settings Alerts

  • On the Alerts tab, the agency user can select the different type of alerts which the system can display while doing the scheduling.

  • Choose the settings as per business needs and click the Update button and the settings will be saved, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Office Settings Notifications

On the Notifications tab, the agency user can select which scenarios should trigger the notifications to selected Agency/Admin users.

Office Settings Payroll

On the Payroll tab, the agency user can do payroll related settings (e.g. setting up the week start day / time for office, daily / weekly overtime / travel time settings option and their configuration.)

Office Settings Billing

On the Billing tab the user can configure billing configuration specific to the office to be used in the Billing Process which includes Billing information, Billing Address, Merchant details and Invoice Display settings etc.

Office Settings Rates

On the Rates tab, the agency user can set up the agency standard rates for the billing and payroll.

  • Rates which are applicable for billing are called Bill Rates.

  • Rates which are applicable for payroll are called Pay Rates.

  • Click the Add New Bill Rate button to open the pop-up where user can configure the bill rates for the specific Call Type (Service).

  • Click the Add New Pay Rate button to open the pop-up where the user can configure the pay rates for the specific Call Type (Service).

  • Click the Add New Pay Rate button to open the pop-up where the user can configure the pay rates for meetings.

Office Settings Holidays

On the Holidays tab, the agency user can define the holidays which are to be observed by the office and a specific rate multiplier can be configured if the service happens on holidays defined in system.

  • Click on the Add New Holiday button to add a holiday.

  • Click the Save button and the settings will be saved, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes

Office Settings Client Portal Permissions

  • On the Client Portal Permissions tab, select which client portal user(s) should have permissions to see which event(s).

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