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Add a Schedule

Add a one-time or infrequent visit in Caresmartz360

Ruby Mehta avatar
Written by Ruby Mehta
Updated over a week ago

****IMPORTANT**** If your visits require third-party billing (Medicaid, VA, Insurance, etc) It is strongly recommended that you complete your payer set-ups and authorizations before you begin scheduling.

  • Log into the system as an Agency User, Owner, or Admin.

  • Click Clients under the Clients menu.

  • Click the View Schedule icon for the specific client profile you wish to open:

NOTE: The Client’s calendar can be accessed from multiple places in the application. For example, you can open the Client schedule from the Time Tracking section. The Client’s calendar can be accessed from the Schedule Calendar section as well as under the Scheduling section in the Main Menu.

  • Click on the day you want to create the schedule for

  • Enter the following information:

  • Start Time

  • End Time

  • Service Type (type of shift)

  • Bill Type

  • Pay Type (Hourly, Visit or 15 minute increments)

  • Automatic Clock-In/ Clock-out

  • Schedule Confirmation Required from Caregiver

  • Is Overtime Applicable Client Invoice

The status will default to scheduled; change it if you need it to be another status.

  • If you know who the caregiver is you can enter it; if not you can leave it as an open shift.

  • Click the Save button to save the record.

The application will prompt you if you want to make it a recurring event.

***IMPORTANT*** - recurrences are most suitable for regular, infrequent visits e.g. monthly foot care or transport, quarterly home safety assessments, semi-annual care plan reviews, etc.
For frequent, regular visits Master Schedules is the recommended best practice.

  • Click the Yes button.

The Recurrence page displays allowing you to select the recurrence pattern. NOTE: The fields and functionality behind this page are just like that of creating a recurrence for a meeting or event in Microsoft Outlook.

The options available depend on which time frame you used to create the initial schedule.

  • Select your pattern (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly).

  • Select which days it will occur. The Start Date will default to the day you created the schedule for; change it if needed.

  • Enter in how many weeks you want this to recur, if it should end after “X” number of visits, or if it should end by a specific date.

  • Click the Update button.

The application returns to the Schedule page; however, the recurrence does not automatically appear. The scheduling portion of the application operates on a manual refresh to save time when adjusting schedules.

  • You now need to click the Schedule button to refresh the page and show the recurrence.

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