Log into the system as an Agency User, Owner, or Admin.
Click Clients under the Clients menu. (NOTE: This is applicable for the Caregivers section, too.)
Click the Edit Client icon.
Click the Task/Communication tab. (Note that both Task and Communication have their own sections.)
NOTE: The steps for either a new task or a new communication are very similar.
To create a new task, click the Add New Task button. To create a new communication, click the Add New Communication button.
Enter the required information.
Click the Save button to save the item. Click the Save & Send Email button to save the item and send it to the individual associated with it.
You can set up a new task on a calendar and have a reminder set up as well. You can set up the privacy level for either a new task or a new communication.
To create a Task click on the new task button.
Here you will able to create the task assign it to any of your agency users. You are also able to create a back-dated task(s). No reminder(s) will be sent out for backdated tasks.
The Privacy option allows you to select who will be able to see the tasks - Everyone or only you.
Additional Considerations:
For entries saved after the release was brought into effect (i.e. post-10/28) you can only edit entries from the profile they were saved from.
For entries saved before the release was brought into effect (i.e. pre-10/28) you can make changes as usual from either profile.
In the future release, we will add a column in the Task/Communication section where you can see which profile has the entry saved, so that it is easier to locate and edit if needed.
Any notes you add under the Comments section will be saved under Reports -> Client -> Task/Communication Report. This is important because it will keep a record of all comments even if they were edited.