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Client Reports

What data will I see in each report?

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Birthday/Anniversary Report

Shows clients, caregivers or staff birthdays. Can also show hire anniversary for caregivers. Can be filtered by month.

Client Authorization Expiration Report

Shows client authorizations with expiration dates within a defined range. Can be filtered by client or payer.

Client Bill Rates

Shows all bill rates that apply to each client, including the start and end dates for each rate.

Client Caregiver Relationship

Shows the compatibility level between each client and caregiver. Can be filtered by client and/or caregiver.

Client Community Relationships

Shows all clients linked to a community payer, and the payer(s) they are linked to.

Client Completed Assessments

Shows all client assessments completed within a set date range. Can be filtered by client or assessment type.

Client Contact List

Shows a list of clients and their contacts, including their relationship to the client and contact details.

Client Details with Additional Notes

Shows summary notes for all clients, filtered by client status.

Client Length of Stay

Shows a list of clients, filtered by admission type, including dates of admission and discharge, discharge reason (if applicable) and length of time being serviced.

Client Payer

Shows a list of payers for each client, including effective dates and details of the payer including type, payment distribution and payment amount or percentage (if applicable).

Client Report

Shows general details of all clients, including name, address, contact details, DOB, SSN and Medicaid ID (if applicable).


Client Roster

Shows basic details of all clients, including name, address and contact details. Can be filtered by client type and status.

Client SOC and Referral Details

Shows all clients admitted within a set date range. Shows information relevant to admission, including admission date, referral details and payer.

Client Status Update

Shows all clients whose status has changed within a set date range. Includes details of the status change and shows which user entered it.

Client Total Schedules and Hours

Shows each client's total number of schedules, total number of hours, and average hours per schedule within a set date range.

Client, Caregiver, Agency/Admin User Relationship Report

Shows a list of agency and admin users with the caregivers and clients they are linked to, and the nature of that link.

Clients SOC Date

Shows a list of clients admitted within a set date range, with address details including latitude and longitude.


Clients SOC Date by Office

Shows a simple list of clients admitted within a specified date range, filtered by office.

Discharge Outcomes

Shows a list of inactive clients, grouped by discharge reason. Includes date of discharge.

Discharge Report by Discharge Reason

Shows the total number of clients discharged for each discharge reason within a specified date range. Clicking on the number under any reason will load the list of clients discharged for that reason.

Discharge Summary with Details

Shows the total number of clients discharged for each discharge reason within a specified date range. Clicking on the number under any reason will load the list of clients discharged for that reason.

Emergency Preparedness Rating

Shows a list of clients with their emergency preparedness rating, as entered onto their assessment facesheet.

Exceeded Authorizations

Shows all client authorizations that have been exceeded within a specified date range, and the details of each shift linked to them.

Key Quality Outcome Report

Shows numbers of clients discharged within a specified date range, grouped by number of days in service. Can be filtered by referral or lead source.

Late Re-Evaluation Due Report

Shows a list of clients overdue for reassessment, and allows the user to set a new reassessment date for each.

Re-Admission Details

Shows a list of client referrals within a specified date range, with details on whether each was admitted during that time, and whether they were a readmission to care.

Re-Evaluation Report

Shows clients with upcoming reassessment due dates.

SSN Audit Report

Shows a list of either clients, caregivers or other staff whose SSNs have been viewed by a user. Shows the user who viewed the SSN, as well as the date and time it was viewed.

Task Report by Client

Shows a list of client tasks within a specified date range, grouped by schedule. Shows the status of the schedule, as well as each task.

Task/Communication Report

Shows a list of tasks and communications for caregivers, clients, payers and prospective clients within a specified date range.

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