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Scheduling Reports
Scheduling Reports

What data will I see in each report?

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Affordable Care Act Report

Shows data required to be reported under the Affordable Care Act, selected by month.

Bill and Pay Rates Expiration Report

Shows the expiry dates of bill and pay rates by client, caregiver or other staff.

Call Off Report

Shows details of all shifts marked as Cancelled by Caregiver within a specified date range.

Canceled by Client

Shows details of all shifts marked as Cancelled by Client within a specified date range.

Care History

Shows the care history (clock-in and out and task completion logs) for shifts within a specified date range. Can be filtered by client. There is also an option to bulk download multiple records at once. A zip file will be downloaded containing all individual care history reports.

Caregiver Average Hours Per Week

Shows the average hours scheduled/completed for each caregiver within a specified date range. Shows an average for each week in the period, as well as an overall average for the whole period.

Caregiver Hire Report

Shows the average hours scheduled/completed for each caregiver hired within a specified date range. Shows an average for each week in the period, as well as an overall average for the whole period.

Caregiver Late Clock-In Report

Shows all clock-ins more than a specified number of minutes late within a specified date range. Can be grouped by client or caregiver.

Caregiver Mileage and Travel Time

Shows all payable mileage and travel time within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver, with totals for each caregiver.

Caregiver Notes Report

Shows the caregiver notes for all shifts within a specified date range. Shift notes can be downloaded.

Caregiver Notes to Family on Schedule

Shows the caregiver feedback to family for all shifts within a specified date range.

Caregiver Overtime Summary

Shows caregiver hours grouped into regular, overtime and double overtime, within a specified date range. Includes totals for each.

Caregiver Payable Hours

Shows payable hours on shifts that have been approved but not billed, filtered by date range.

Caregiver Schedule by Service Date

Shows hours for each schedule within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver.

Client Billable Hours Report

Shows billable hours and billable amount for each client within a specified date range.

Client Schedules

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, grouped by client. Includes scheduled times, status, payer, bill and pay details and notes.

Client with Non-Completed Schedules

Shows schedules that have not been completed, filtered by client and date range.

Client, Caregiver Schedules and Rates by Date Range

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, including bill and pay rates and totals.

Clients With No Future Schedules

Shows all clients with no shifts scheduled in the future.

Clock In and Clock Out Details with Notes

Shows all schedules with a clock-in or clock-out note within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver.

Deleted Shifts Report

Shows all deleted shifts within a specified date range, grouped by client.

Injury Report

Shows details of all caregiver injuries within a specified date range.

Missed Clock-In and Clock-Out

Shows all missed clock-ins and clock-outs within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver.

Open Shifts by Date

Shows all open shifts within a specified date range.

Payable Hours (Caregiver and Other Staff)

Shows all payable hours for both caregivers and other staff within a specified date range.

Pre-Screening Report

Shows all caregiver responses to the COVID-19 pre-screening module, filtered by date range.

Pre-Screening Report V2

Shows all caregiver responses to the COVID-19 pre-screening module, filtered by date range. Can be filtered to show only adverse responses. Caregiver notes for each response can be viewed.

Recurrence End Report

Shows all recurring schedules due to end within a specified date range.

Removed/Revised ICD10 Codes

Yearly, some diagnosis codes are changed, and you will need to make changes in your client profiles to reflect the updated codes. CareSmartz will notify you when the changes have been made, and you can then use this report to see if you have any codes that need to be updated.

Schedule Billing and Payroll Status

Shows the billing (unbilled, billed or partially billed) and pay (paid or not paid) status for all approved schedules within a specified date range.

Schedule by Paid Status

Shows the pay status (paid or not paid) for all approved schedules within a specified date range.

Schedule Feedback by Client

Shows all schedules with family feedback within a specified date range.

Schedule List by Date

Shows all schedules within a specified date range. Can be filtered by client and/or caregiver.

Schedule Updated by Telephony

Shows all schedules clocked in or out via telephony within a specified date range.

Scheduled Vs Billed Hours

Shows the scheduled hours, billed hours and the difference between the two for all shifts within a specified date range.

Schedules by Caregiver

Shows caregiver-related details of all schedules within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver.

Schedules by Payer

Shows payer-related details of all schedules within a specified date range, grouped by client.

Shift Cancellation Report

Shows all shifts with the status Cancelled by Client, Cancelled by Caregiver or Unapproved within a specified date range.

Shift Decline

Shows all shifts offered to caregivers but declined. Filtered by date range.

Sick Earned Leave

Shows amount of sick leave earned and used by each caregiver within a chosen year.

Task Report by Invoice Number

Shows listing and status of all tasks on schedules covered by a particular invoice. Filtered by invoice number.

Telephony Call Review

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, filtered by status. Can be used to review telephony clock-ins and outs.

Telephony Call Review Grouped by Caregiver

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, filtered by status and/or billing status and grouped by caregiver. Can be used to review telephony clock-ins and outs.

Telephony Call Review Grouped by Client

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, filtered by status and/or billing status and grouped by client. Can be used to review telephony clock-ins and outs.

Time Tracking Review Actual Hours Totaled

Shows approved shifts within a specified date range, with the total hours recorded on each.

Time Tracking Total Hours

Shows approved shifts within a specified date range, with the total hours recorded on each, grouped by client.

Unidentified Clock-In and Clock-Out

Shows all unidentified telephony clock-in or outs within a specified date range.

Weekly Caregiver Hours

Shows all schedules (excluding cancelled or unapproved schedules) within a specifed date range, including scheduled and actual hours and a total for each, grouped by caregiver.

Weekly Schedules w.r.t. Caregiver

Shows a schedule for a specified date range, grouped by caregiver. Can be filtered by caregiver.

Weekly Schedules w.r.t. Client

Shows a schedule for a specified date range, grouped by client. Can be filtered by client and whether shifts are assigned or open.

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