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Accounting Reports
Accounting Reports

What data will I see in each report?

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Archived Payment Summary

Shows a history of payments that have been entered and then deleted, including when they were deleted, and by which user.

Average Billing per Month

Shows the average amount issued per invoice per month.

Average Days to Pay

Shows the average number of days between invoice date and payment date for each client.

Batch History

Shows a history of invoice batches, with all invoices included in each batch. This report can be filtered to show only invoices for specific clients or client types.

Batch History All Details

Shows a more detailed view of invoice batches, including which user created the batch.

Batch History by Date

Shows invoice batches with invoice date and bill period start and end date, but without individual invoice numbers or client details.

Batch History with Units

Shows a detailed view of invoice batches, with each invoice on the batch shown individually, including all schedules making up the invoice, the number of billed units and the billing rate.

Bill Pay Summary

Shows all schedules for each service type within a set period, including the total amount billed, total amount paid and profit margin percentage.

Billed Units by Client

Shows the total number of units and total amount billed for each client during a specified time period.

Billed Units by Service Date

Shows the total number of units and total amount billed for each client during a specified time period, including the dates of service.

Client Balance Due Report

Shows all invoices with an outstanding balance for each client, including the invoice total and outstanding balance, and an overall total outstanding for the client.

Client Invoice Outstanding

Shows all outstanding invoices for each client during a specified time period.

Client Invoice with Rates

Shows all invoices for each client during a specified time period, including the billing rate, and the source for that rate (for example, whether the rate is set in the Office Settings, is a client-specific rate, a rate from an authorization etc.).

Client Invoice with Rates by Payer

Shows all invoices for each payer during a specified time period, including the billing rate, and the source for that rate (for example, whether the rate is set in the Office Settings, is a client-specific rate, a rate from an authorization etc.).

Client Statement

Generates an account statement for a specified client, which can be downloaded and emailed or printed. Dates are selected automatically, based on the first and most recent invoices for the client.

Client Statement (V2)

Generates an account statement for a specified client over a specified date range, which can be downloaded and emailed or printed.

Commission Calculations

Shows details of each payment received within a specified date range.

Detailed Billed Units by Client

Shows each billed schedule within a specified date range, including bill rate, hours and total amount, grouped by client.

End of Year Invoice Report

Shows all invoices for each client during a specified date range, including the invoice amount and balance outstanding. Note that this report does not have to be set to display an entire year; it can cover any date range.

Estimated Bill and Pay

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, including total amount billable and payable, liability and gross profit and margin percentage.

Estimated Pay by Date Range

Shows schedules within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver, with the total payable amount for each. This report will show whether the schedule has been paid yet, as well as a total projected pay amount for the caregiver.

Expense Details by Caregiver

Shows all expenses on shifts within a specified date range, grouped by caregiver.

Expense Details by Client

Shows all expenses on shifts within a specified date range, grouped by client.

Gross Margin by Client

Shows total billing revenue, payroll expense, profit and margin percentage for each client over a specified date range.

Invoice Adjustment by Date

Shows all invoice adjustments within a specified date range.

Invoice Aging

Shows invoices within a specified date range with outstanding amounts shown by age in 15 day increments. Increments are totaled.

Invoice Aging Grouped by Client

Shows invoices within a specified date range, grouped by client with outstanding amounts shown by age in 15 day increments. Increments are totaled by client and across all clients.

Invoice List by Client

Lists all invoices for each client during a specified date range, including the invoice amount and outstanding balance.

Invoice Listing

Shows all invoices within a specified date range. The client and payer will be displayed, along with any payments, credits/adjustments, deposits and/or refunds applied and the total balance outstanding.

Invoice Summary by Batch

Shows a basic summary of invoices, including the batch they are linked to.

Invoice Summary by Care Coordinator

Shows a summary of invoices within a specified date range, grouped by client's care coordinator.

Invoice Summary by Referral Source

Shows a summary of invoices over a specified date range, including client referral source.

Invoice Summary by Service Date

Shows a summary of invoices for schedules within a specified date range.

Invoice Summary with Units by Invoice Date

Shows a summary of invoices within a specified date range, including billed units.

Invoice Type by Payer

Shows a list of payers with the invoice type used for each.

Invoices and Payments

Shows all payments received within a specified date range.

Monthly Comparison

Shows the total amount invoiced to each client over two specified date ranges, and the variance between the two.

Outstanding Invoice Balance - ALP IHC

Shows all invoices with an outstanding balance, including the client admission type (ALP or IHC).

Outstanding Invoice Summary by Client Search

Shows all outstanding invoices within a specified date range, including client name and invoice batch.

Payment Summary

Shows all payments received within a specified date range, grouped by client. Payments are totaled by client and overall.

Payment Summary Report by Payer

Shows all payments received on invoices within a specified date range, grouped by payer.

Payments with Balances or Deposit Balances

Shows all overpaid invoices within a specified date range, including the amount available to be applied to other invoices.

Payroll Grouped by Caregiver

Shows total amount paid to each caregiver within a specified date range. Pay is broken down into regular, holiday and overtime pay. Amounts paid for travel time, mileage and expenses are also shown.

Revenue by Marketing Staff

Shows invoices within a specified date range, grouped and totaled by care coordinator.

Total Units and Amount Billed by Client

Shows all invoices within a specified date range, grouped by client, including total billed amount and bill units.

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