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What's New - July 15, 2020
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Not all features are immediately available to all agency users. You should always go to Admin Settings and update the permissions for your agency users at the time of a new feature release if required for that feature.

1. QuickBooks - Fix Credit/Adjustment Matching

You will be able to match credit/adjustment items within a new matching screen in the QuickBooks Integration tool. This allows you to match to the credit/adjustment items in CS360 with items in QB so that it is easier to categorize, and report on, your adjustments and credits. The credit/adjustment shall be applied as a line item on whichever invoice has been designated in CareSmartz360.

2. QBD/QBO - Deposit Workflow

Deposits which have been applied/refunded against invoices in CareSmartz360 will now correctly be designated in QuickBooks as a credit on the invoice rather than a payment item as has been set up previously.

3. Modifying a series doesn't always trigger options to apply to one or all occurrences

Historically, only certain schedule changes could be applied to the recurrence. Moving forward, all changes to a schedule will prompt you to designate whether that change should apply to the individual schedule, that schedule moving forward or all schedules in the recurrence.

4. Integration with LASRS in the state of Louisiana

Caresmartz360 is now integrated with LASRS in the state of Louisiana. Please reach out to our Support team if you have any questions.

5. Validations on time tracking screen in case of single or bulk status update

Users will now see validation/conflict messages at the time of updating the status of any schedule at the time of changing their status either in single or bulk update on the time tracking screen.

6. Ability to delete a task or communication.

Users will now be able to delete a task or communication which may have been entered in error.

7. Create schedules of any length.

Previously, creating a schedule had a 15 minute minimum duration. We received feedback that some users would like to create shorter schedules for well-checks or med reminders. We've therefore removed the minimum restriction and you can create any schedule between 1 minute and 24 hours.

8. Updated filter option for Global Email Logs

Users will now be able to filter the global email logs based on System Generated messages. This will allow you to more easily search for messages by removing those system messages from the view.

9. Mobile App Update regarding Clock out

Caregivers will now be able to see 2 shifts from the dashboard of the mobile app: the shift they are currently working and the next upcoming. This will make it easier to perform a clock-out after the shift end time.

Previously, at the exact time the shift ended, it would be removed from the dashboard and be replaced by the next upcoming shift, making it harder for the caregiver to clock out or causing the caregiver to accidentally clock out for an upcoming shift. Now, when the current shift ends, it will stay on the dashboard until the threshold time is reached or until the caregiver clocks out.

In the example below, the 8-10 shift will stay on the dashboard until the grace period ends (10:15) or until the caregiver clocks out. At that time, the 12-2 shift will move up and the next upcoming shift will be present.

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