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Couple Care

How to set things up for 2 people receiving care in one household at the same time.

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Many times you might have a situation where one caregiver is providing services for multiple people in the same house at the same time. Because each client will likely have a unique list of tasks, you will need to create a profile/assessment/schedule for each client.

Depending on your billing/payroll requirements for these shifts, you will need to adjust your set-up. Here are some common scenarios:

1. Billing and paying the full amount for both clients

a. No need to do anything differently. Just create schedules for both clients and assign the same caregiver (ignore the conflict error) to both of them

b. When you run billing, you will create an invoice for the full amount for each client

c. When you run payroll, you will pay the caregiver the full amount for each client

2. Billing the full amount to both clients and paying half (or some other amount to the caregiver)

a. You will make the adjustment in the Client Profiles on the Rates Tab

b. Create a Custom Pay Rate for each client

c. When you run billing, you will create an invoice for the full amount for each client

d. When you run payroll, you will pay the caregiver the custom amount for each client

3. Billing the full amount to both clients and paying the caregiver for 1 shift

a. You will make the adjustment in ONE Client Profile on the Rates tab

b. Create a custom rate of $0.00 for one of the clients

c. When you run billing, you will create an invoice for the full amount for each client

d. When you run payroll, you will pay the caregiver for 1 full shift at the regular amount

4. Billing a unique amount to both clients and paying a unique amount to the caregiver

a. You can create a service type, Couple Care, in the admin settings

b. Then, set the bill and pay rates in the Office Settings

c. Create the schedule using the Couple Care Service type

i. This will auto-populate the unique rates you entered

d. When you run billing, you will create an invoice for each client for the custom amount

e. When you run payroll, you will pay the caregiver the unique amount for each shift

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