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Agency User Admin App
Agency User Admin App
Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

The app can be found in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store

Once loaded, it will ask you to login using your Agency ID (found on the Main Page of your Office Settings) and your Username and your Password. The username and password are the same that you use to access the portal.

There is an option to recover the password by clicking on “Can not Login? Click here” after entering the Agency ID and Username. You will need to answer the security question you created in order to put in a new password.


Once you’ve logged in, the Dashboard will automatically open. You will need to scroll to see all of the information.

The 3 lines at the top of the screen will Let you access your Status where you can

1. Go back to the Dashboard

2. Look at your Profile

3. Logout

The next option is to choose which of your Offices you want to see. Clicking on the small arrow in the lower ight-hand corner will allow you to choose which office, or continue to see all of them.

The 5 Widgets that you see on your Dashboard are:

1. My Open Tasks

2. SMS Logs

3. Care Alert

4. Missed Clock-in/Clock-out

5. Pre-Screening Survey

The information shown is based on the current date. If you want to see historical or future information you would have to change the dates by clicking on the calendar icons which will then let you choose the date or date range that you would like to see:


Using the buttons on the bottom you can move to the Client list. Here you can scroll through your clients or search them from the search bar at the top.

You will see the client’s name, phone number and photo as it shows in the CareSmartz360 portal.

The icons under the client’s phone number provide:

1. Ability to send an email

2. Send an SMS

3. View the Client’s Emergency Contacts

4. Open and Edit Client Details and Schedules

The availability of these options is determined by whether appropriate data is your portal and indicated by the icon color. Blue means it is available, otherwise it will be greyed out. For instance, if the client doesn’t have an email address in your CareSmartz360 portal, the email icon will be greyed out and unavailable.

  1. Send an email:

    You can choose from templates set up in your portal.

    Your email will show in the From field and the client’s email

    will show in the To field.

    If you Show Cc, Bcc, you have the option to send the message

    to additional email address.

    Add a Subject, Type your message

    Upload an Attachment if you want to and hit Send

  2. Send and SMS

If the client has a mobile phone listed in the portal, and you have allowed Text messaging, you can send an SMS to the customer, by clicking on the mobile phone, entering the message and hitting Send

3. View the Client’s Emergency Contacts

Viewing the contacts will show you the Contact information set up in your CareSmartz360 portal and allow you to dial the contact’s number from the app.

4. Open and Edit Client Details and Schedules

The last feature from the Client Section is the ability to view and edit the client’s details and access and edit the client's schedule.

a. Main--To edit a field, just tap on it and then use the keyboard that pops up your screen to make the changes. Don't forget to scroll down and save your changes.

b. Schedules

The Schedules section shows the weekly schedule for this client and is color coded to show Scheduled, Approved and Open Shifts.

If you need to edit a schedule, you can do so by clicking on the edit icon on the right side of the schedule field

On the Schedules tab, you can edit all the fields that are in the schedule window in your portal, including manually entering the clock in/out times or changing the caregiver at the last minute. Again, don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the schedule window and SAVE after you make any changes.

You can review Caregiver Notes from the Notes tab

On the Care History Tab, you can see when/how the caregiver clocked in/out and how/when the tasks were updated during the shift.


The Caregiver(s) Section has three of the four features of the Client(s) section:

1. Send an Email

2. Send an SMS

3. Open and Edit Caregiver Details and Schedules

Again, note that the features are only available if they are blue and work like their counterparts in the Client features. When you reach the bottom of the screen, you will be able to move Forward, and then Back again using the buttons at the bottom.

**The ability to edit items in the caregiver profile will be coming in a future release


The last section shows the Schedule Calendar. The View can be changed from the defaults:

1. Group By Client or Caregiver

a. Drop down changes to choose Client or Caregiver

2. Choose Office and Territory

3. Show by Week or by Day

The familiar color coding shows the status of the schedule on the left -hand side of the screen.

Scheduled, Approved and Open Shift show at the top, numbering the hours under each category. Editing the schedule gives the same options as the portal and shows like the screens in client and caregiver edits.

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