Advanced Components
The email component is nearly identical to the text field component. The Email component has a custom validation setting that, if set up correctly, can ensure the value entered is a valid email address.
The URL component is nearly identical to the text field component. It contains a custom validation setting that, if set up correctly, can ensure the value entered is a valid URL (i.e. web address).
Phone number
The Phone Number component can be used to enter phone numbers.
Label: The label for this field that will appear next to it.
Placeholder: The placeholder text that will appear when this field is empty.
Input Mask: An input mask helps the user(s) with input by ensuring a predefined format. For a phone number field, the input mask defaults to (999) 999-9999.
i. 9: numeric (numbers only)
ii. a: alphabetical (letters only)
iii. *: alphanumeric (numbers and letters)Prefix: The text to show before a field. An example is ‘$’ for money
Suffix: The text to show after a field. An example would be ‘lbs’ for weight.
Required: If checked, the field will be required to have a value.
The Address component can be used to enter addresses in a form.
Label: The label for this field that will appear next to it.
Placeholder: The placeholder text that will appear when this field is empty.
Allow Multiple Addresses: Allow multiple addresses to be entered into the field.
Required: If checked, the field will be required to have a value.
Date/Time components can be used to input dates, times or both dates and times.
Label: The label for this field that will appear next to it.
Default Value: The default value for the date component.
Placeholder: The placeholder text that will appear when this field is empty.
Date Format: The format for displaying this field’s date.
Required: If checked, the field will be required to have a value.
The Day component can be used to enter values for the Day, Month, and Year using a number or select type of field.
Type of input: Type of input for Month, Day and Year can be selected between Number or Select type on Day, Month and Year tabs.
Hide Input Labels: The labels of component Month, Day, Year inputs can be hidden on the form.
Day first: The order of the fields can be changed. The Day field can be displayed before the Month field if Day first is checked on the Day tab.
Minimum Year: A value of the year that this field’s value must be on or after.
Maximum Year: A value of the year that this field’s value must be on or before.
The Time component can be used to input time either using a time picker or manual input option.
The Currency component should be used when a field should display currency amounts on a form. This component holds a numeric input mask that allows two decimal values and automatically adds commas as a user inputs a currency amount.
Label: The name or title for this component.
Placeholder: The placeholder text that will appear when this field is empty.
Prefix: The text to show before a field. An example is ‘$’ for money
Suffix: The text to show after a field. An example would be ‘dollars.’
Multiple Values: If checked, multiple values can be added in this field.
The Survey component works like the radio component. Instead of one question, the user(s) can select a value for multiple questions which are configured within the component settings. Survey is a great component to utilize when asking multiple questions with the same context of answers or values.
Label: The label for this component that will appear next to it.
Questions: The questions you would like to ask within the survey.
Values: The values that can be selected per question. Example: ‘Satisfied’, ‘Very Satisfied,’ etc.
Required: If checked, the field will be required to have every question answered.
A Signature component is a special field that allows someone to sign the field with either their finger on a touch-enabled device or with the mouse pointer. This signature will be converted into an image and stored with the form submission.
Footer Label: You can enter a short instruction here.
Width: How wide the signature area should be. This can be in pixels or percent.
Height: How high the signature area should be. This can be in pixels or percent.
Background Colour: The Background colour of the signature area. This can be an RGB value in RGB (255,255,255) format, a hex value like #000000 or the name of a color.
Pen Colour: The pen colour in the signature area. This can be an RGB value in RGB (255,255,255) format, a hex value like #000000 or the name of a color.