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Ad Hoc Scheduling
Ad Hoc Scheduling

Ad hoc scheduling is commonly used to address situations such as sudden illness, emergencies, or unexpected changes in care needs.

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

**Prerequisites to this workflow - Client and Caregiver profiles must be in place.

1. Setup

If you have decided that ad hoc scheduling is right for your business, you can begin by enabling the feature in the Office Settings of your Caresmartz360 portal (near the bottom of the Main Tab).

Once you check the box, a new selection will appear. Please select the caregivers for whom you would like to grant permission. Depending on your agency's needs, this may only be one or two caregivers. Once the caregiver(s) is(are) selected, the ad hoc schedule feature will be enabled for clients & caregivers that worked already in the past.

When your selections are made, click on the green update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

For caregivers you added after you set this up in Office Settings, you can enable the function at the Client level. From the Main Tab of the Client Profile, navigate down to just before the address information. There you will see a checkbox for Enable Ad Hoc Scheduling. Once selected, you will be prompted to select the caregivers for whom you wish to grant permission. Please note that hierarchy preference will be given to the client section, i.e. if a caregiver is not selected in the Office Settings, but is selected in the Client's profile, the caregiver will be able to create an ad hoc shift for that client.

Be Advised - You will not be able to allow client/caregiver combinations that are not in the same Office Location or Territory. If you have one that you think is missing, check to ensure they fall within the same Location and/or Territory.

When your selections are made, click on the green update button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

**Best Practice Recommendation - Activate this feature only for the clients and/or caregivers that absolutely need it. This will make it easier for your agency to manage and control.

2. Creating and working an Ad Hoc Schedule

A caregiver that has been granted permission can now create an ad hoc shift for the selected clients from both the mobile app & caregiver portal. At the time of creation, the caregiver will be asked to select the client for whom they wish to create the schedule along with the service type selection. Once the service type is selected, the caregiver will be asked to enter a reason for creating an ad hoc schedule. Please note that the address will be captured from the latitude & longitude at the time of schedule creation.

Schedule creation time will be treated as clock-in time for the schedule with no end time defined. Caregivers will have the option to clock out at any time they wish to clock out & clock-out time will be treated as the end time for the schedule.

Caregivers can tap on the visit from the Ad Hoc screen and now see they are clocked into what looks like a regular visit. They can proceed with tasks, notes, surveys and clocking out from here.

3. Managing and Approving Ad Hoc Shifts

Once the visit is complete, Agency users will be able to view, manage and approve the visits from the Ad Hoc Schedule screen.

The user can then set the filters to find any unapproved visits. From this view, single or multiple visits can be selected for deletion, if necessary. The most common action will be Edit (pencil icon, far right)

A pop-up will appear and the user can make edits and approve the visit.

Once all of the visits for a set of filters are approved, the Ad Hoc screen will be empty.

Now the Ad Hoc visits will appear in the Time Tracking view along with the regularly scheduled visits.

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