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Learn2Care - Course Catalogue
Learn2Care - Course Catalogue

Find a list of current courses and brief descriptions available via Learn2Care

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

Our Learn2Care curriculum teaches professional caregivers how to give care in home settings.

Our content expertly weaves together:

· WHAT the professional needs to know and do, according to the person’s Plan of Care and the professional’s caregiver role.

· HOW to do tasks, while focusing on the person’s safety, infection control, changes in condition, and abilities to communicate (like, dementia).

· WHY these tasks and communications matter, for the person, the family, and for the professional caregiver.

Our comprehensive content includes 59+ hours of the classroom training required for home health aides, by the USA Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Home Health Agencies (HHA) Conditions of Participation (CoPs), revised 2017, §484.80 Condition of participation: Home health aide services.

Our online content aligns directly with these topics. We present this content in a logical, sequential manner for your entire professional caregiver workforce of home care sitters, homemakers, companions, and aides.

1. COMPASSIONATE CARE: Giving Person Centered Care In Home Care Settings

2. SMART CARE: Infection Control, Safety, and Emergencies

3. PRACTICAL CARE: Sitters, Homemakers, Companions, and Aides

4. EMPATHIC CARE: Empathy, Diseases, Disabilities, and Dementia

5. 360 Care: Full Circle Endings and Beginnings

Our Learn2Care curriculum expertly equips your agency to:

· Onboard new professional caregivers

· Provide annual competency-based refreshers

· Address agency or individual performance improvement needs (i.e., infection control; safety)

· Develop “soft” skills of communication and compassion.

Note: For home health aides, the USA CMS requires 16 hours of “supervised practical training” which must be provided in person, for the aide to “be evaluated by observing an aide’s performance of the task with a patient.” §484.80(c)(1) Furthermore, this “competency evaluation must be performed by a registered nurse in consultation with other skilled professionals, as appropriate.” §484.80(c)(3)

Learn2Care’s core, required learning for home health private duty agencies is our Professional Caregiver Training curriculum. This training needs to be completed before starting your role. Still, while on the job, you might bump into a situation where you need a refresher, something to jog your memory.

Adult learners learn best when it matters most. We name these “Just In Time Review Videos,” because you can find and use them, “Just In Time,”right when you need them. Each video is only 1-4 minutes in length. These are straight from Learn2Care’s “Professional Caregiver Training” courses.

Sample topics include:

· Patient Rights

· Gloves: Putting On, Removing and Disposing

· Falls: Normal Aging

· Fire Safety

· Preparing Food

· Assist With Dressing

· Shampooing Hair

· Oral Hygiene

· Specific Diseases and Conditions

· More

Important: You are only allowed to tasks for which you are trained, approved by your supervisor and identified in the person’s Plan of Care, and allowed for you in your role by your state’s laws.

Important: You need to use these short videos as review, but not as your primary learning. The difference is like watching a small clip from a larger movie versus experiencing how that short video clip fits into the larger story of the movie.

For your agency’s administrators, managers, and persons wanting to professionally grow into leadership roles, Learn2Care proudly equips you with our Leadership Growth modules. Each of the following modules has multiple courses, for you to choose what you need, when you need it. These larger groups include the following:

1. Advanced Interpersonal Communication

2. Business Etiquette

3. Business Problem Solving

4. Career Development

5. Conducting Meetings

6. Correcting Performance Problems

7. Creativity and Innovation

8. Cross Cultural Business Communication

9. Customer Service: Listening, Responding, and Resolving

10. Diversity

11. E-Mail Etiquette

12. Excellence in Service – Basic

13. Excellence in Service – Advanced

14. Grammar Skills

15. Managerial Leadership

16. Mentoring

17. Motivation: Identifying, Planning, and Implementing

18. Organizational Behavior

19. Organizational Communication

20. Organizational Learning

21. Organizational Skills

22. Presentations: Preparing, Developing, and Delivering

23. Sexual Harassment Prevention

24. Strategic Decision Making

25. Team Participation

For all caregivers, you will be able to describe these for Person Centered Home Care, from the perspective of the patient:

· WHO needs care?

· WHAT care is given?

· WHERE is care given?

· WHEN is care given?

· HOW is care given?

· WHY does it matter?

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· The Right to Person Centered Care

Duration: 30 minutes

For all caregivers, you will be able to describe these for Person Centered Home Care, from the perspective of the professional caregiver:

· WHO do you give care to?

· WHAT skills do you need?

· WHERE do you work?

· WHEN do you work?

· HOW do you do it?

· WHY does it matter?

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Eustress versus Distress

· Whole Person Care

· Resilience and Growth

Duration: 30 minutes

What is basic hygiene for all? Enter this course to learn:

· What is infection control?

· Different caregiver roles

· Basic hygiene

· How to report concerns

Duration: 45 minutes

What are Standard Precautions and key PPE? Enter this course to learn:

· Standard Precautions

· Key PPE

· Cleaning basics

· How to communicate concerns

Duration: 45 minutes

What are Transmission Based Precautions? Enter this course to learn:

· Basics

· Bloodborne Pathogens

· What to do if an exposure happens

Duration: 45 minutes

How can you prevent infections in the home? Enter this course to:

· Summarize what you need to know about infection control

· Apply this to different caregiver roles and tasks

· Apply this to specific rooms in the home

· Tend supplies and communications

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Patient safety is a huge topic. How can I see a simple overview? Take this course to grasp the basics of patient safety: What? Who? Why? When? Where? And How?

Duration: 30 minutes

For senior adults, falls are the leading cause of injury death, trauma admissions to the hospital, and other injuries. Take this crucial course to learn:

· Risks for falls

· How to prevent falls

· How to respond to falls when they occur

Duration: 1 hour

Fire has unique risks and response needs for senior adults. Take this course to learn:

· Fire risks and prevention for senior adults

· Actions for safe results

· Recovery from a fire

Duration: 1 hour

Neglect, abuse, and exploitation are signs we don't want to see, but must be alert to as a responsible, compassionate caregiver. Take this course and learn definitions, warning signs, and what you need to do for:

· Neglect

· Abuse

· Exploitation

Duration: 1 hour

Providing caregiving in the home can be especially frustrating for all if the person exhibits behavioral challenges. Enter this course to learn:

· Are these behavioral challenges old or new?

· Agitation

· Wandering

· Sundowning

· Losing inhibitions

· More terminology

· Full circle: What call you to this care?

Duration: 1 hour

Senior and disabled adults carry unique risks for suicide. Caregivers in the home carry unique responsibilities when serving in the home. Take this course to learn:

· Risks for suicide

· The person's Care Plan

· Possible signs of suicide, and core principles of what to do

· Good communications with your supervisor

Duration: 45 minutes

Your safety on the job matters! Take this course to ensure your safety:

· In the person's home

· When you are traveling to and from the home

· In your agency's office

· How to report an injury

Duration: 45 minutes

Back injuries are the #1 safety risk for caregivers. Take this course to learn:

· Basic body mechanics

· How to safely lift and carry

· How to report an injury

Duration: 30 minutes

You must know what to do in case an emergency occurs in the home. Take this course to learn about:

· Plans and preparations for different kinds of emergencies

· What to do if an emergency happens

Duration: 30 minutes

Disasters in the community create unique, time-sensitive challenges for you and the person you serve. Take this course to learn:

· Different kinds of disasters

· Actions for safety

· Your varied roles

Duration: 30 minutes

Whatever your caregiver role, you need to thoroughly know and demonstrate:

· Basic "Do's"

· Basic "Don'ts"

Duration: 45 minutes

As a caregiver, your attitudes and sense of presence can make or break the effectiveness of the tasks you do. Enter this course to explore:

· What presence is, how to provide it, when and why it matters

· Presence = Present

Duration: 45 minutes

How can you prevent infections in the home? Enter this course to:

· Summarize what you need to know about infection control

· Apply this to different caregiver roles and tasks

· Apply this to specific rooms in the home

· Tend supplies and communications

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Preparing food for a person who needs caregiving has unique factors. Take this course to learn:

· Care Plan factors

· Nutrition basics

· How to prepare food

· How to serve and store food, and how to clean

Duration: 1 hour

Needing help with dressing can feel quite vulnerable for the senior adult or disabled person. Learn how to foster independence and self-worth while tending these tasks:

· Assisting persons with physical challenges and/or dementia

· Undressing

· Dressing

Duration: 1 hour

Feeding someone else safely might seem basic, but actually can be dangerous, and even restricted by state laws for your professional role. Take this important course to learn:

· Safe Feeding = Self-Feeding

· Basics for preparing the person, setting and items

· Basic guidelines for specific challenges and for applying these to your specific role

· Follow up for cleaning up and communicating needs to your supervisor

Duration: 45 minutes

Activities and socializations are crucial to this person's quality of life. Learn how you can help:

· Foster meaningful quality of life

· Use the person's Care Plan

· Know what matters to this person, from their life-stories

Duration: 30 minutes

Does your caregiver role include providing safe transportation for the person you serve? If so, you must know:

· Instructions from the person's Care Plan

· Important permissions

· Practical matters of preparation and safety issues when driving

Duration: 30 minutes

Especially since you provide care in the person's home, your communications with the family are crucial. Take this course to learn:

· Communicate with whom?

· What qualities matter?

· Communication guides

Duration: 45 minutes

As an aide, how do you know what to do for this specific person? Learn basic foundations for your role:

· How assignments are made

· Duties inside and outside of your scope of practice

· Your role as part of an interdisciplinary team

Duration: 45 minutes

Your communication skills matter. Take this course to learn:

· Your communication skills for reading, writing, and verbally reporting clinical information

· Your communication skills with patients, their representatives, with other caregivers, and with other agency staff

Duration: 45 minutes

Likely, you spend more time with this person than any other professional. You are crucial for recognizing and reporting changes in the person's condition. Take this course and learn:

· Subjective versus objective information

· Observing, reporting, and documenting patient care status

· Observing, reporting, and documenting services you furnished

· How your observations will be used by the person's larger care team

Duration: 45 minutes

Recording vitals requires:

1. Permissions by your state's laws for your role and

2. Specialized training and demonstration in a classroom setting.

If you will be required to read and record the person's vital signs, learn these basics:

· Temperature

· Pulse

· Respiration

· Blood pressure

Duration: 45 minutes

Assisting with medication requires:

1. Permissions by your state's laws for your role and

2. Specialized training and demonstration in a classroom setting.

This course defines basic "Do's" and "Don'ts" for assisting with medications.

Duration: 30 minutes

Ensuring infection control is core to your caregiving role. This course takes more basic information for all caregivers and advances to more direct hands-on care tasks provided by home health aides (or similar roles using other titles). Take this course to learn:

· Infection control for aides

· Review infection control basics

· Apply these to your aide-specific tasks

· Apply these throughout all other courses

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

As an aide, you need to comprehend the body's different basic systems, and how they work together to help the person function in everyday life. Take this course and learn:

· Basic body functions and changes from aging

· How to recognize basic changes

· How to report changes

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

You--as an aide--can be the most important person for ensuring the person has a clean, safe, and healthy environment. Dive into this course to ensure you know how to:

· Clean the person's environment

· Keep the person's environment safe

· Provide a pleasant, healthy environment for the person's best quality of life

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Emergencies can be life-threatening for the senior adult or disabled person you serve. Take this course and learn:

· Emergency prevention and preparation

· How to recognize emergencies and institute procedures

Duration: 1 hour

For aides trained and approved as "medical" or "health" aides, this course details information for you:

· Applying first aid techniques for specific medical emergencies

· What you need to do get medical help

· Completion tasks after the emergency and self-care

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to provide bed baths, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Before the bath, what to prepare

· During, how to give the bath

· After, tasks to complete the bed bath process

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to provide baths, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Differences and similarities between a sponge, tub, and shower bath

· How to give a sponge bath, tub bath, and shower bath

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to shampoo hair, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· How to prepare, wash, rinse and dry the person's hair

· How to shampoo hair at a sink, in the tub/shower, or at the bed

· Special considerations for shampooing hair as a professional caregiver

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to provide nail and skin care, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Common challenges

· Nail care of the hands and feet

· Skin care of vulnerable areas

Duration: 45 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to assist with shaving, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Frequency and independence

· Electric versus blade razors

· How to shave a male client's face

Duration: 30 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to assist with oral hygiene, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Why good oral care matters to persons who receive professional caregiving

· How to provide oral care

Duration: 45 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to assist with the person's toileting needs, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· The person's toileting and elimination needs

· How to assist with toileting for healthy elimination

· How to tend more complicated needs

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to assist with transfers, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches how to safely transfer the person:

· Using a walker

· Using a wheelchair

· Using additional transfer devices

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to assist with safe ambulation, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Safety for all types of ambulation

· Walking with assistive devices

· Adapting to changes in the person's Care Plan

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to assist with the person's range of motion, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches descriptions and tasks for these:

· Range of motion

· Exercises

· Active, active assisted, and passive involvement

· Terminology and examples for range of motion exercises

Duration: 45 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to assist with positioning, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Positioning in a bed

· Terminology for positions

· Positioning in a wheelchair or chair

Duration: 45 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to help with the person's assistive devices, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches assistive devices for use with the person's Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):

· Ambulating

· Eating and feeding oneself

· Dressing

· Personal hygiene

· Toileting

· Additional devices

Duration: 45 minutes

For aides who will be allowed to help with the person's nutrition and intake, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches basics for nutrition and liquid intake for persons served by your agency:

· What?

· Who?

· Why?

· When?

· Where?

· How?

Duration: 1 hour

For aides who will be allowed to help with the skin care, the content in this course must be combined with approved classroom training to demonstrate your knowledge and skills. This course teaches:

· Normal skin changes from aging

· Recognizing common skin changes

· Serious skin conditions

· Reporting skin changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers and office staff of your agency, learn what empathy is and is not:

· Empathy Is Not: apathy or sympathy; feeling it exactly like another

· Empathy Is: Heart - Emotional Empathy; Head: Cognitive Empathy; Action: Empathic Concern

· Caregiver Empathy: With the Person You Serve and Their Family; Maturing Our Empathy

Duration: 1 hour

For all caregivers and leadership involved in providing or managing care, learn normal changes from aging and how to use empathy when giving care.

· Changes from Aging: Physically; Emotionally and Mentally; Relationally and Socially; Generationally and Culturally

Duration: 1 hour

For all caregivers and leadership involved in providing or managing care, learn the continuum of care for the person's healthcare goals. Even if the caregiver is not a "medical" or "healthcare" aide, the person's needs for a sitter, homemaker, companion, or any type of aide are most likely driven by their health condition and goals.

· This continuum of care includes: Curative Goals; Rehabilitative Goals; Life-Prolonging Goals; and Comfort Care Goals.

Duration: 45 minutes

For all employees, whatever your role, due to its universal topic and applications. Each person and family seeking profesional caregiving is experiencing some type of loss, grief, and coping with changes. In this course, you will explore:

· Loss: Different Causes

· Grief: "Scratch the Stages"; Different Kinds of Grief; Your Role - Are You Helping or Harming?

· Empathy: Supporting This Person; Your Personal Learning and Growth

Duration: 1 hour

For caregivers of persons with heart and/or lung disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal heart/lung functions versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For caregivers of persons with cancer, you will learn:

· Different Kinds of Cancer

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For caregivers of persons with a neurological disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal neurological functions versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For caregivers of persons with diabetes or another endocring disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal endocrine functions versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 1 hour

For caregivers of persons with kidney or bladder disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal kidney or bladder functions versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For caregivers of persons with digestive disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal digestive functions versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 45 minutes

For caregivers of persons with an immune system disease, you will learn:

· Descriptions of normal immune system function versus the disease

· Changes you might see or the person describes

· Report and document changes

Duration: 30 minutes

For caregivers of persons with HIV and AIDS, you will learn:

· Modes of transmission

· Infection control procedures

· Basics of clinical management for your role

· Behaviors and attitudes: prevention and support

· Sample State Laws

Duration: 1 hour

For all caregivers, you will basics:

· Physical disabilities and the Care Plan

· Sensory disabilities

· Mobility disabilities

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn basics about developmental disabilities:

· Downs Syndrome

· Autism

· Cerebral Palsy

· Intellectual disabilities

· Seizures

· Empathy

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn basics about mental illness:

· Depression

· Anxiety

· Substance Abuse

· Schizophrenia

· More disorders

Duration: 1 hour

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Normal Aging Versus Dementia

· Different Forms of Dementia

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Alzheimer's Disease Description

· Alzheimer's Stages

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn communication basics with persons who have dementia, using Alzheimer's main stages as a framework:

· Review Empathy

· Early Stage

· Mid Stage

· Late Stage

Duration: 1 hour

For all caregivers who assist with the person's ADL's, you will learn key guides of safety are for persons with dementia, when you assist with their Acitivities of Daily Living (ADLs):

· Dementia Safety Overview

· Activities of Daily Living - Eating; Continence and Toileting; Personal Hygiene; Dressing; and Ambulating

· Report and Document Changes You See

Duration: 1 hour

You will explore empathy with persons who are experiencing common challenges that develop from Alzheimer’s Disease or other forms of dementia:

· Memory Loss and Confusion

· Repetition

· Emotions and Responses: Mad, Sad, Afraid

· Wandering

· Sundowning and Sleep Issues

· Hallucinations

· Suspicions and Delusions

· Sexual Behaviors

Duration: 1 hour

For persons you serve with dementia, you will learn about:

· The Intergenerational Family

· Common Family Decisions, Due to Dementia

· Dementia's Long Goodbyes

Duration: 30 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Palliative and Hospice Care: What's the Difference?

· The Interdisciplinary Team

Duration: 45 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Changes You Might See

· What Happens Right After

Duration: 30 minutes

For all caregivers, you will learn:

· Know Your Strengths and Stressors

· Be Aware of Triggers from Your Past

· Cope With Challenges In Your Present

· Dare to Hope for Your Future

· Create a "Care Plan" for Your Self

· What Are You Learning?

Duration: 1 hour

For all, you will learn about your own Endings and Beginnings as a professional caregiver:

· Your Goodbyes

· Your Grief

· Your New Hello's

Duration: 45 minutes

The course, Cultural Competency in Healthcare and Caregiving, is designed to help healthcare professionals and caregivers understand, appreciate, and apply cultural competency in their practice. It focuses on developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to deliver culturally sensitive care, improve patient outcomes, and build trust with diverse patient populations.

Duration: 20 Minutes

The Pain Management course is designed to equip healthcare professionals, caregivers, and individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand, assess, and effectively manage pain. This course will equip individuals with the tools to provide optimal care and support for those experiencing pain, whether it's acute or chronic.

Duration: 20 Minutes

The Modified Diets course offers an in-depth exploration of the principles, strategies, and practical applications of modifying diets to cater to specific health needs.

Duration: 20 Minutes

This Child Abuse: Prevention and Intervention course provides a comprehensive overview of child abuse, its different forms, and strategies for prevention and intervention. Upon course completion, you will acquire insight into the psychological, emotional, and physical repercussions of child abuse, along with a comprehension of the legal responsibilities linked to reporting and addressing instances of abuse.

Duration: 20 Minutes

The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course will explore the significance of CPR, the steps involved in the process, different CPR techniques, the role of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), training and certification, as well as the medical and legal aspects surrounding CPR in the United States.

Duration: 20 Minutes

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) course provides comprehensive instruction on the regulations and requirements established by HIPAA to safeguard protected health information (PHI) and ensure the privacy and security of patient data within the healthcare industry. This course is designed for healthcare professionals, administrators, and anyone handling patient information.

Duration: 1 Hour

  • The “Covid-19” course is designed to educate individuals about the fundamentals of the COVID-19 virus, including its origin, transmission, symptoms, and diagnosis. In this course, we will look at the virus's impact on mental health including the psychological effects, effective prevention strategies, treatments and therapeutics, economic consequences, and much more.

    Course Duration: 1 Hour

The “Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention” course is designed to educate individuals about the dynamics of sexual harassment, its impact on individuals and organizations, and the strategies to prevent and address it effectively. The course aims to create a safe and inclusive environment by fostering awareness, promoting respectful behavior, and empowering participants with the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to incidents of sexual harassment.

Duration: 1 Hour

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