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What's New - August 31, 2023
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

There will be an update to Agency mobile app & Caregiver mobile app with this release. The current versions continue to be Caregiver Mobile App iOS & Android: Version 2.34 and Agency Mobile App iOS & Android: Version 2.6

The minimum operating system requirements are "Lollipop" for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Forms Extension to Caregivers Mobile Application

The extension of the Custom Forms feature now encompasses the Caregivers mobile application. This development allows the agency to activate custom forms for caregivers via the Admin settings > Mobile Role Management> Forms.

Through the management interface of Custom Forms templates, agency users gain the capability to share 'Caregiver Form' templates with individual caregivers. Sharing is facilitated based on the caregiver’s names and roles.

Under Office settings > Notifications, a new event labeled 'Caregiver Form Submission' has been introduced. Agency users selected for this event will receive email notifications upon caregivers submitting forms for approval.

When a form is initiated by an Agency user –

  1. Apart from the existing workflow, ‘Completed’ forms will now be accessible to caregivers through the mobile app. This visibility hinges on whether the template has been shared with the caregiver.

  2. Agency users will only have access to forms initiated by caregivers when the caregivers submit the forms for review while they are in the 'Awaiting Approval' status.

  3. During the review process, agency users can transition the status to 'In Progress' if they deem revisions by the caregiver necessary.

  4. If everything appears satisfactory, agency users have the option to mark the form status as 'Complete'. After this point, no further modifications are possible.

When a form is initiated by the Caregiver –

  1. The Caregiver mobile app will present a new menu item titled 'Form'.

  2. Within the Form screen, all forms initiated by the caregiver and forms started and completed by the agency will be displayed.

  3. Caregivers can begin a new form (only templates shared with them will be visible) and make modifications to it until it stays in 'In Progress' status.

  4. Once caregivers submit the form for review and approval under the 'Awaiting Approval' status, no further modifications are permissible. Agency users will receive email notifications in this scenario. The same principle applies to the 'Complete' status. Forms can only be viewed in these statuses.

Caregiver Compliance

The Caregivers will now be able to modify the details of an existing compliance in the system. In both the caregiver portal and caregiver mobile application, an edit icon has been introduced in the action column within the compliance section. When clicked, this icon will trigger a pop-up window as shown below for the user.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Also, the agency portal will log the modification details. This will enable the agency users to identify who made the modifications and when they were carried out.

Open-Shift Manager Updates

  • Decline Open-Shift request (Single/Bulk): CareSmartz360 has the option to decline an open-shift request from the caregiver(s) with single as well as bulk decline. This option is introduced in the Open-shift manager’s Caregiver to Agency Tab for each request as well as bulk decline for all requests for an open shift.

  • For a single open shift request, the decline icon will be available near the assign icon. The bulk decline button will be available under each shift and will be clickable only when the user selects at least one shift request to decline from the available ones.

  • Once the user clicks on the decline, a pop-up will appear (both in the case of single/bulk decline) to add the reason for declining the shift with a character limit of 8000 characters. The open-Shift request will be successfully declined once the user adds the reason and hit the save button. If the user does not add a reason the open-shift request will not be declined.

  • On the successful decline of the open-shift request, the open-shift will be removed from the caregiver’s calendar as well as the open-shift manager’s “caregiver to agency” requests tab. The caregiver will not be able to apply for the same open shift again for which the request was declined.

  • Matching columns for Agency to Caregiver and Caregiver to Agency:
    The Caregiver’s columns for Agency to Caregiver and Caregiver to Agency tabs are matched now in the Open-Shift manager. These columns as being consistent are providing better clarity for the user to accept/decline the request or align the shift to a caregiver. The columns are mentioned below:

    • Caregiver

    • Gender

    • Compatibility Type

    • Score

    • Distance

    • Updated on

    • Phone

    • Address

    • City

    • Zip Code

  • Report for open shift requests decline during a time period - Once open shift request(s) is/are declined its log will be maintained at the backend. A new report named Shift Request Decline Report will be available in the Scheduling reports. Here the user can check how many open-shift requests were declined for the selected schedule date range. No filter will be pre-selected, and the user needs to select the filters. The results will be available in two types of grouping i.e., group by office or group by territory. The user can view the scheduled date as well as the service type associated with the client name, caregiver name, office, and territory in the report results so that it is easy to differentiate between the shifts that are declined.

Ability to add multiple addresses in the 'TO' section on the Contact Us Email from client portal

We have introduced a new event titled 'Contact Us' within the Notifications tab under office settings. Agency users can now configure by selecting user's name from the list for this specific event to receive email notifications whenever a client portal user contacts the agency via the 'Client Portal Contact Us Template from client portal.

Agency users & admin users will be notified via email when a client portal user sends an email using the 'Client Portal Contact Us Template' from.

Also note that agency user whose email is preconfigured in the 'To' field of the 'Client Portal Contact Us Template' within the existing client portal system will automatically be selected to receive notifications under the 'Contact Us' event under the Notification tab.

Relabeling of Medicaid ID to Medicaid ID / Patient ID field

Under clients -> Main tab, Medicaid ID field has been relabeled to Medicaid ID / Patient ID

Caregiver Payable hours report and approved hours displayed on the calendar screen on caregiver portal/app.

With this release, the completed hours on Caregiver payable hours report & Approved hours displayed on calendar screen will be shown in units as they appear in report currently.

Also, on the caregiver app, schedules for inactive clients that have been approved & performed by caregiver in the past will be visible with this release.

Spanish Language in IVR

CareSmartz360 - IVR system is now compatible with Spanish language along with the English language.

Agency app Updates

Agency is now integrated with Therap in the state of Alaska in case the data is updated from agency app.

EVV updates

Integration with Therap in the state of Alaska

CareSmartz360 is now integrated & certified with the Therap as an Alt. EVV vendor in the state of Alaska.

Integration with HHA in the state of Mississippi

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with HHA exchange via API as an Alt. EVV Vendor in the state of Mississippi.

Integration with HHA in the state of Illinois

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with HHA exchange via API as an Alt. EVV Vendor in the state of Illinois.

Updates - Oregon - OODS report

User(s) will now be able to export selected records in the OODS report in the state of Oregon. They will also be able to sync the Modifiers & service element on schedules.

Updates - UTAH - CSV export

Starting Oct 5, 2023, the following 2 columns are mandatory in the exported CSV file. Now, when the file is getting exported, the data will be populated in the csv file at the end, however, it shall not be visible in the UI of the report.

  • Email of Submitter

  • EVV Vendor

State Mandated Password requirement across the system

Following password requirements are state mandated for every Alt EVV vendor solution. Hence, in CareSmartz360, following restrictions have been updated across all platforms namely agency portal, Caregiver portal, client portal , Caregiver mobile app & Agency mobile app.

  • Minimum of 9 characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.

  • The user’s password cannot be one of the last 10 passwords.

  • The user will be locked out after 3 failed login attempts. Once locked out, the user will have to reset their password by clicking on the "Forgot Password?" link on the sign in page.

  • Passwords are required to be changed every 60 days

    • This above change is only mandated in the state of Arkansas , Hence it shall be available for all agencies in the state of Arkansas only.

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