Password requirements across the system
To better protect your agency information, password requirements are state-mandated for every Alt EVV vendor solution. Therefore, in CareSmartz360, the following restrictions have been updated across all platforms; namely the agency portal, Caregiver portal, client portal, caregiver mobile app and agency mobile app.
Minimum of 9 characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character.
The user’s password cannot be one of the last 10 passwords.
The user will be locked out after 3 failed login attempts. Once locked out, the user will have to reset their password by clicking on the "Forgot Password?" link on the sign in page.
Arkansas Only : Passwords are required to be changed every 60 days. If your agency is in Arkansas, users will be prompted to change passwords every 60 days.