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Process Payroll

A step by step guide to processing payroll in Caresmartz360

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago

  • Log into the system as an Agency User, Owner, or Admin.

  • Click Process Payroll under the Accounting menu.

  • Enter the search/filter parameters and click the Apply button and the system will search for the approved schedules in the system which are not Paid/Finalized yet and are present in the selected date range.

  • Once your results are in, you can review/edit/add visits as necessary.

  • If you are processing payroll for multiple offices at a time, you can use the buttons on the left to jump to a different office. The buttons are labelled with the first letter of the office name and the full office name is available on hover.

  • If you want to make changes to your filter parameters, click on the filter icon to expand the menu and change them. Click Apply to apply the changes and load the new results.

  • Visits that have already been billed will be marked with a green "b"

  • Visits that overtime or Holiday rates will be marked with a red asterisk

  • Visits that are missing rates will be highlighted

  • If you have edits to make, click on the Schedule Date/Time, the Shift Details window will open and you can make your edits. Once complete, click Update and close the window.

Once all of your edits are complete, click the Recalculate button in the top right corner. This button will only appear if you have edited one or more visits.

  • To view the details of a visit total, click on it and the details will pop up.

  • To add a visit, click on the green Add button on the right of the affected Office. You will then see the usual schedule creation window and be able to choose the client, caregiver, service type, and other relevant details.

  • When your visits are correct and you are ready to proceed, choose all, or some of the caregivers/visits to process payroll. The Finalize Payroll Button on the top right corner will appear as long as there are no pending edits requiring Recalculation.

  • You will be prompted to choose a Payroll Date. This will automatically default to today's date. N.B - should select the date on which the caregivers/staff will actually be paid. This will make it easier to search for specific payroll runs down the road. You may change this date at this point to reflect your internal agency policy by clicking on the calendar icon.

  • Once you click Save, the selected visits will be finalized for Payroll.

  • You will automatically be redirected to the Finalized payroll list for this group.

See Also:

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