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Caregiver App - Offline Mode
Caregiver App - Offline Mode

Caresmartz360 offers some functionality when your caregivers don't have mobile data or wifi

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a year ago

The Caregiver app will allow your staff to clock in and out of visits, mark tasks, and make notes in the case of network failure, or lack of service/wifi.
For the Offline Mode to work properly, the caregiver needs to be logged into the app. Logging in or out in Offline Mode is not supported at this time.

Locations services/GPS access also needs to be enabled for the device/app before leaving a service area/losing data access.

The mobile app allows caregivers to work offline (without WiFi or data connection). They can update tasks, leave notes, complete surveys and clock in and out in Offline Mode.

When the caregiver reconnects to the internet, the information stored in the app will be available to sync to the agency portal. If location services aren't turned on, the offline app will tell the caregiver that the clock in/out was successful, but it won't register in the portal because there will be no latitude/longitude coordinates to test against the range configuration in the office settings.

User(s) will be able to manually sync pending offline shifts that were not synced automatically due to network unavailability.

This tab "Pending offline shifts" will only be shown if there is any shift that was performed in offline mode & has not been successfully synced. The user can then go to the tab & see the list of shifts that they wish to sync.

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