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Getting Started
Getting Started

This section will help you getting started with Caresmartz360

MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR OPTIMIZING CARESMARTZ360CareSmartz is a Saas platform for managing your business. These software programs have certain requirements to work well.
Password RequirementsProtect your data with strong passwords
Webinar ScheduleJoin a live webinar to ask your questions
Take a Tour of CareSmartz360An overview of how to navigate the platform and what you can find in each module
Onboarding KitLinks to all the things you need to get started
Navigate the Portal
Office SettingsLearn How to configure Office Settings
Office Settings> Main Tab ArticleConfigure your Office Settings to relect your agency's policies
Office Settings> Alerts Article
Office Settings> Notifications Article
Office Settings> Payroll Article
DMAS 90A report that shows clock in/out, tasks completed, and both client and caregiver signatures
Office v. TerritoryComparison of Offices vs Territories and their uses
TerritoriesWhy use a territory and how to set it up
Automated Emails
Client Alerts and NotificationsAutomatic alerts and notifications settings
Caregiver Alerts and NotificationsAutomatic alerts and notifications settings
Agency User Alerts and NotificationsAutomatic alerts and notifications settings
CareSmartz Academy--Caregiver Training
CareSmartz Academy AccountingLinks to training videos and weekly webinar
CareSmartz Academy Scheduling ModuleLinks to training videos and weekly webinar
CareSmartz360 Academy Client/Caregiver/PayerLinks to training videos and weekly webinars
CareSmartz Academy Admin SettingsLinks to training videos and weekly webinar
CareSmartz360 Academy Office SettingsLinks to training videos and weekly webinar
Alerts and Notifications Full ListAutomatic alerts and notifications settings
Add Agency Users
Add a Client
Add a CaregiverA step by step guide to adding a caregiver directly into your Caresmartz360 portal
Add Agency Staff
Configure Client profile with Payer(s)
Add a ScheduleAdd a one-time or infrequent visit in Caresmartz360
Reset BrowserAn important troubleshooting step to help with the performance of Caresmartz360
Edit COVID PreScreening
Using the Self-Serve Data Migration ToolCaresmartz has made uploading your own standard data easy for you.