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Create a graph

Adding Graphs to your Dashboard will let you see a quick snapshot of anything you want to keep an eye on

Danielle Forrest avatar
Written by Danielle Forrest
Updated over a week ago

Graphs or charts are a great way for you to see a particular type of spending at a glance. For example you may want to compare your spending at different supermarkets to see how much you’re spending at the expensive shop around the corner.

Start by clicking on the New Graph link. In this case (where you ant to compare a few merchants), you’d choose the Comparison option and in the Select items field, type in the first supermarket and select it. You can change the colour of bars by clicking on the coloured box. 

Choose the period you want to monitor, say 3 months. 

Click Add Bar and follow the same steps for your other supermarkets. When they have all been added, click Next step, name your chart and click Done.

Your chart will be added to your Dashboard and your grocery spend available at a glance.

About graph types

Comparison charts will allow you to use Categories to compare types of spending like the example above. Expense comparisons will show below the line, and income above. 

Ins and outs will show you your Income versus Expense spending on any account.

Balances lets you keep an eye on your overall position, comparing combined outgoings against your incoming accounts. This is good as a summary of your finances.

Percentages is a donut graph showing spending percentages. You might use this to see how much of your income goes on individual household costs. 

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