Client sharing
When you sponsor a client to join CashDeck, you can choose whether they automatically share all their accounts with you.
They can change this if they choose, and only share selected Groups with you—perhaps just their business accounts, but you make that choice as you invite them. You can make this choice on an individual basis in the Sponsor a Client box on the Invitations page, using the sharing toggle. The toggle is ON by default, just press it to turn auto-sharing off
Viewing shared accounts
Once a client has shared an account Group with you, it will appear under their name on the Clients page. Just click on their name, and you will see charts for the Groups they have shared. This plots their transaction history, and if you roll along the time line you’ll see balances for any date within that chart period.
The Group’s accounts are listed on the right of the graph. Click on an account name to see the transactions for that account.