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Make your Financial Fitness Tracker 100% accurate
Make your Financial Fitness Tracker 100% accurate

Categorise your transactions—including transfers and mortgages, to make the most of your Fitness Tracker

Danielle Forrest avatar
Written by Danielle Forrest
Updated over a week ago

To put your Fitness Tracker together, the system automatically categorises transactions as they happen and then collates them all into the tables and charts you'll see in your emails. Since there are literally millions of possible transactions, the system doesn’t always get it right, so to make sure your tracker is accurate, you may find you need to re-categorise a few things manually. 

But don’t worry, it’s really easy, only takes a few seconds and after you’ve made the change once, the system remembers it for next time, so very quickly your tracker will be in good shape. 

Begin by looking at your tracker and what it shows you. If something doesn’t seem quite right, click on that line and you’ll see all the transactions it's included. 

In most cases, the transactions will make sense when you looks more closely—or maybe you’ll see it's a purchase that you simply forgot you made. In some cases though, you might want to change its category. 

Here’s how to change Categories:

Click on the transaction and scroll down to Category.

Delete the category that’s there and select the one you‘d like to use—or you can type in your own. You can have as many categories as you like, just add what makes sense to you. 

The system will ask if you want to make this change automatic every time. Click Yes please.

Now, add some information to this screen to allow the system to recognise the transaction. In this case, let’s delete the information from the Merchant field and add it to the Comment field. Then select the ‘Apply to existing transactions' button so you can include past transactions, and save your condition. 

The system will change all existing and future transactions to this category. 

This is now saved as a Rule. You can access any rules you’ve created from the Rules tab in the main menu.


For most of us, transfers between accounts are a regular occurrence. For example, you may transfer money from a transaction account to a credit card or from an offset account to your mortgage. 

In order to ensure transfers don’t get included as income or expenses as they go in and out of your accounts, we filter these out of your tracker. If there are some transfers that you would like to treat as an income or an expense, you can use the same process described above to re-categorise them. 

When you’re happy that you’ve covered all your transactions, simply refresh your page and voila! Your tracker can now give you an accurate snapshot of what your money is doing.

Tracking your mortgage 

If you want to track your mortgage payments as ‘Mortgage’ that’s easy too. 

Find a transaction that shows your mortgage payment. It may be listed as transfer or something else. Follow the process above to change it. You can use a few types of conditions to do this—the amount (use a negative number), the bank account and the comment. 

Change the category to Mortgage, creating a new one if it’s not there. Now your mortgage will be added to your tracker. 

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