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Status Notifications

Find out what each status means throughout the statement request process.

Danielle Forrest avatar
Written by Danielle Forrest
Updated over 11 months ago

Whenever an action is taken by your client as part of our bank statement retrieval process, the status of your request will help you know how far through the process your client is.

Status #1: New

This status is shown when a brand-new request is created, it normally only lasts for a second or two and indicates that the request invite has not been sent yet.

Status #2: Invitation Sent

Your invitation has been sent via email/SMS. Your client has not clicked on their link yet.

Status #3: Started

Your client has clicked on their link. But they haven't progressed much further than that. No banks have been connected to the request yet. Your client can click on their link again to pick up from where they left off.

Status #4: Client adding accounts…:

Your client can search for a bank to connect to.

Note, that this does not mean that your client has actually connected any banks yet, only that they have reached the point in the process where banks can be added.

If you open a Pending request you will either be able to see connected banks or nothing at all, depending on what your client has done so far.

The following image shows a Pending request with no connected banks.

The following image shows a Pending request with a single bank connection attempt that is currently displaying an error message. Send us an online chat message if you would like help with any error messages.

The following image shows a Pending request with two successful bank connections.

Once your client has finished adding all of their banks they just need to click on the Submit accounts button to finalise the process.

Status #5: Confirmed. Downloading…:

We are in the process of downloading your clients' files. This can take up to 30 minutes to complete in normal conditions. Click on your browser's refresh button to check for a change to the status.

Status #6: Downloaded:

The process is complete and you can now access your clients' files and living expenses analysis. Please note, the analysis isn't available until this final stage is reached.

The Overall Process

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