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Credit Ready July 2020 Update

This article outlines new features released in July 2020. Includes the Edit Categories tab, Analysis tab and modified workflows.

Dale Stephens avatar
Written by Dale Stephens
Updated over a week ago

On Monday, July 20th, 2020 our latest update went live. For a general overview of the new features, please check out the recording below.

When viewing a completed request, you will see 3 tabs as highlighted in the screenshot below. These tabs are Statements, Edit Categories, and Analysis.

Statements Tab

Make invisible in analysis

If you 'hide' a bank account from the analysis report, you only need to click the hide icon. Once you have hidden an entire account, all transactions from that account are automatically hidden in the Edit Categories tab. For more details about marking accounts as invisible in analysis reports please check out this article.

When you mark an account as invisible in analysis reports (on the statements tab), that will also remove that account from the Analysis report (PDF). If the analysis report (PDF), doesn't automatically drop the hidden account, just click on the browser refresh button. This enables the analysis engine to pick up any changes such as edited transactions or hidden/unhidden accounts etc.

The best practice is to refresh your browser immediately before generating your analysis as a PDF document.

When you link applicants together to join their account data, this data is not merged inside the Edit Categories tab. When you have linked applicants for a living expense analysis, you will edit their transaction categories online separately i.e. one at a time. This only applies to the use of the Edit Categories online tool.

If you join applicants together and download their living expense analysis as an Excel file, that report will automatically include all transactions from all linked accounts.

Edit Categories

The Edit Categories tab allows you to make changes to transactions, in particular, you can change your transactions from one category to another. You can also remove transactions from your living expense analysis by changing them to Unreported. Details on how to make these changes can be found below.

Search and Filter Options

Searching and filtering your clients' data is easier than ever. The online search tools include the option to filter by the following.

Category. To filter by category simply start typing the name of the category you are looking for into the category s list.

Include subcategories. Some categories include sub-categories (see transaction types and categories below for more info).

For example Loans (a category) also has subcategories - Credit Card, Non SACC Loans & SACC Loans. Turning the Include subcategories? option ON will ensure that transactions sitting in subcategories are included in the transactions listed on the screen when viewing the parent category Loans.

Using the example above, turning the Include subcategories? option OFF will only show transactions that have been categorised as Loans, but no further details on the transaction allowed for a more accurate categorisation into a subcategory.

Date. Filtering your transactions by date range is easy. Choose a preset date range from the drop-down list, as below.

Or simply use some of the following rules to create your own search, substituting the numbers for the ranges you want.

< 30 to view all transactions less than 30 days old.

> 30 to view all transactions older than 30 days.

> 30, < 100 to view all transactions that are older than 30 days, but less than 100 days old.

Description contains. This allows you to search descriptions and merchant details in your transactions.

Amount. This allows you to search for exact amounts.

Transaction Types and Categories

We order transactions as types first, and then we assign them to a category when we have enough information to do this. When a transaction is not able to be categorised further, they may end up being grouped under a type of transaction, rather than a category.

For this reason, the Filter includes an option to include subcategories or not. If you turn this option off, only transactions captured in the parent category will be displayed on the screen.

Transaction Types

All transactions will be one type or another. For living expense purposes we have Debit, Transfer, Income & Risk.

Debit itself contains two major transaction types also. These are Variable and Fixed. Inside these transaction types you will find categories that tend to be fixed or variable etc. hence the way they have been grouped.

A plain list of categories is included below if you want to copy this somewhere handy.

Change to Another Category

Whenever you find a transaction that belongs best in another category, you can quickly switch those transactions to a new category, using our online Edit Categories tool. To see the workflow in more detail, check out the video below.

Unreport from Expenses Report

Whenever you find expenses that do not need to be considered as a part of your clients' living expenses, you simply select those transactions and mark them as unreported. To see the workflow in more detail, check out the video below.

How to generate a final living expense analysis as a PDF

Once you have made all of your edits and adjustments online you can download a final analysis as a PDF. The most important tip is to always click on the Refresh button prior to generating your analysis. This ensures any changes are picked up by the final analysis. To see the workflow in more detail, check out the video below.

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