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Multi-Use Invitation link

Find out how to configure and use your multi-use invitation link. Inc. some advanced options.

Dale Stephens avatar
Written by Dale Stephens
Updated over a week ago

The Multi-Use Link (MUL)

Instead of inviting your clients directly through the CashDeck interface, you can create a reusable link that you can include in your own email or automated messaging system from your CRM.

Please note, anyone who has access to this link may create a new request, please make sure you are careful with who you provide this to.

Integrating CashDeck with your existing process

Instead of sending a unique link to each client from inside the CashDeck platform, you can now enable a multi-use link, giving you additional ways to send requests to your clients. As an example, you could send this link to a client in a fact-find email or from your other document collection services.

To enable the multi-use link, sign into CashDeck, go to the Statements page and click the Manage multi-use invitation link button.

Next you will see the following screen where you link options can be configured.

Multi-Use Link Options

Days to sync
Use the drop-down list to choose the amount of days you want to retrieve for every client that uses this link (60, 90, 180, 365 days)

User can restrict accounts shared?
Toggling this option to Yes, allows your clients to choose which accounts they share with you. i.e. your client may login to a bank during their request and have certain accounts that you don't need statements for. This will allow your client to remove any accounts prior to submitting the request.

If you turn this option to No we will provide available data for all accounts logged into.

Institutions visible to client
Not all banks are able to supply bank statements through our Credit Ready process. Changing this option in the drop-down menu will affect the total number of banks visible to your client when they search for a bank to log into. The total number of available institutions will be presented once you have selected an option.

Learn more about how our Institutions Filter works

With eStatements Only
If you would like to limit the number of institutions available to just those where statements are able to be retrieved choose this option.

With Transaction Listings & eStatements
A small number of banks are unable to supply eStatements, but we are still able to extract a PDF Transaction Listing for each account.

All (including balance-only and raw transactions)
There is a larger number of institutions your client can log into BUT we won't be able to retrieve PDF copies of bank statements & transaction listings. We can still retrieve account data such as balance &/or raw transaction data. This data is still useful for inclusion in your Expenses Report.

Once you have chosen your options, click Enable.

A link will be produced which you can provide to as many clients as you like.

How are client files delivered?

As always, your client's bank statements and living expense analysis files will be stored inside the CashDeck platform under the Statements tab, the same as if you had sent them a unique invitation.

Disabling or Regenerating your link

To provide added security for your business, we have implemented the ability to Disable the link or Regenerate a new link. While it is very unlikely that the link will be mis-used (there's no reason why someone would want to send you their bank statements unsolicited), we recommend changing the link every month or two. Note that Regenerating a new link will disable any links you have sent out previously - be sure that all of your Pending requests have been completed first.

Note: If you want even more flexibility, the CashDeck API can be used to integrate with any system.

Advanced: Custom Report Periods

The MUL can be used to create a single link. If you add a tiny little bit of code to the end of it, you can create a link for any number of days you like, 365 days or less.

This requires 2 steps.

1. Create a multi-use invitation link (easy)

2. Add the following code to the end of your link (also easy) -days_xxx

You just need to change the xxx to the number of days you want to retrieve.

So your new multi-use link will be something like:




This means you could create a bunch of links for different time periods, and just delete the links your client doesn't need, leaving a single link in your email before sending it to your client.

So, you could have something like the following sitting inside your own email template:

How it works

The little bit of code on the end over-rides the original no. of days setting.

Date Math

You might need to do some date math to work out the number of days you require if you are trying to go back to a specific date. You can use this link to go to to calculate that.

  1. change the date in the calendar to Today by clicking Today.

  2. Change the number of days in the box.

  3. Click on the Calculate New Date, and your results will display below.

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